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Pulled Over For Fog Lamps On...

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Radar Detectors arent allowed in other states are they

No, they're illegal in all other states I believe



In Vic they are legal in "inclement weather". If it is raining a little, or any other bad weather or maybe even poor visibility, you have got yourself a reasonable argument as to why they are on.

If they are set up right, they are no worse than normal headlights (in fact better for oncoming cars as they are lower)so I dont know why people get so excited by them.

The silly thing is, you could mount a second set of headlights 6" below the normal set, leave them on, and they wouldnt be classified as foglights so you would be ok...

Its one of those silly laws...

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I was driving the wifes Kluger and got RBT'ed last week.

The cop asked why I had the fog lights on. I acted dumb and said I did not know they were on.

He was fine about it and I went on my way.

I only drive during the day with them on, without the headlights.

I think I need to put 100w globes in, and change the wiring to use them only for highbeam :censored:

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I thought they were called driving lights and could be used on roads where there was no street lights. So what is the argument if you have these driving lights on and not your headlights (although parking lights must be on to do this). As stated before fog lights are yellow and usually alot brighter.

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Panda - you're the man, that's one of the PDF's saved on my computer. Although it may seem "nerdy" I have a fairly good knowledge of the legislation and it has saved me several times from getting tickets.

Others - they are fog lights, they don't have to be yellow to be a fog light. As mentioned countless times elsewhere there are two very obvious indicators of this:

- read your manual, see what it refers to them as

- the symbol displayed on the dash is a fog light symbol.


EDIT: And me personally, I have them on most times at night as it seems to make a noticeable difference to peripheral vision. During the day I only ever turn them on in the presence of ktford as he really likes them!

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  • Flower Power
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I think I need to put 100w globes in, and change the wiring to use them only for highbeam :spoton:


First of all if you put 100w globes in, not only will it make absolutely no difference to the spread of the beam as it's still got a fog light reflector but the extra heat will yellow out your reflectors.

I changed my reflectors to spot light reflectors, chucked in some 55w +50's and my fog lights are now more powerful than my standard high beams. I also have them pointed up higher to provide extra illumination to the sides of the road. Unintentionally (at first but now it's handy) they are also pointed right into the eyes of on-comming drivers. So when I see someone with really bloody bright fog lights that blind me (mostly commodores) I let em have a look at mine...

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  • Flower Power
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Force of habbit for me.

Ive always had my lights on in my car while I drive. Whatever vehilce

Someone said to me ages ago that if you have you lights on you stand out just a little more to other traffic. Hense there not going to hit you...

Whether its true or not who knows but they have worked for me...



So whats wrong with your normal headlights?

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