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Pulled Over For Fog Lamps On...

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Don't want to enter into a debate about foggies vs no foggies, but just thought I'd let my fellow Perth T drivers know that the boys in blue, in the Highway Patrol cars, pulled me over the other night on the way home from the airport.

To cut a long story short, they were coming the other way, saw the fog lights on, did a u-turn and turned on the red and blues (and flashed me with 1 million candlepower). After a friendly chat, the Snrt Connie advised me not to do it unless there was fog and that he didn't agree with the law, but he had to enforce it and it was normally a $100 fine. :spoton:

They took my details and let me off :w00t2: , but only after checking the globes on their knees with a torch. Apparently some of us are putting in 100w globes and being naughty boys or girls.

Anyway, don't say you weren't warned!


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  • Team HgAg
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I got pulled over for RBT about a month ago, and the coppa commented on my Foggies.

He was kool though, Asked me to turn them off and let me go..

Was preety lucky cause it was public holiday and I would have be done for $200.


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  • Team HgAg
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Force of habbit for me.

Ive always had my lights on in my car while I drive. Whatever vehilce

Someone said to me ages ago that if you have you lights on you stand out just a little more to other traffic. Hense there not going to hit you...

Whether its true or not who knows but they have worked for me...


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Why have them on if there's no fog though? Do you have your window wipers on on hot sunny days aswell?

Dont start this debate again ... :censored:


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  • Big Gun
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Why have them on if there's no fog though? Do you have your window wipers on on hot sunny days aswell?

Dont start this debate again ... :censored:


lol, sorry.

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I have heard there is going to be a blitz on this by the boys in Blue in QLD
I'm not sure how they can blitz something that is not illegal.

In Queenslands Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) 1999 legislation there is NO MENTION of fog lights. It's got the normal 'dip your high beam' stuff which is not the topic of this discussion. All that is mentioned is this -

219 Lights not to be used to dazzle other road users

A driver must not use, or allow to be used, any light fitted to or in the driver’s vehicle to dazzle, or in a way that is likely to dazzle, another road user.

There is however specific mention of fog lights in Queenslands Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Vehicle Standards and Safety) Regulation 1999. But all that it has to say is this -

89 Front fog lights

(1) A pair of front fog lights may be fitted to a motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels.

(2) A pair of front fog lights, or a single front fog light, may be fitted to a motorbike or motortrike.

(3) A pair of front fog lights fitted to a motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels must have the centre of each light not over 400 mm from the nearer side of the vehicle unless the centres of the lights are at least 600 mm apart.

(4) If the top of the front fog light is higher than the top of any low-beam headlight on the vehicle, the centre of the fog light must not be higher than the centre of the low-beam headlight.

(5) A front fog light must—

(a) when on—

(I) project white or yellow light in front of the vehicle; and

(ii) be a low-beam light; and

(b) be able to be operated independently of any headlight; and

© be fitted so the light from it does not reflect off the vehicle into the driver’s eyes.

All of these criteria are met (unless the owner has changed the bulbs) so I have no idea how the police can possibly blitz something that is not against the law (in Queensland at least).

If someone knows of another law, legislation, regulation, ADR etc that contradicts me please let me know. I have trawled through just about every document relating to road use in Queensland because sometimes it's handy to know the exact wording of these laws.


Edited by Panda
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  • Team HgAg
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  • Location: Rockingham W.A

Yeah road rules are different over here in WA

As I was doing my RBT and being asked to turn of my foggies copper didnt care that I was testing out my mates Bel Radar Detector.

Radar Detectors arent allowed in other states are they?

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