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Pulled Over For Fog Lamps On...

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Guest octane
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Also fellas on the topic of red lights as far as I know red and blue lights are not to be used by anyone else but the emergency services vehicles....I think it has some stipulation about using red or blue in a forward facing manner or something like that.

as for the colour spectrum it goes as follow

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

Red being the longest in wavelength (lowest frequency) and Violet being shortest in wavelength (highest frequency)

And I think its the short wavelength of UV that makes it so harmful as your skin cant stop the shorter wavelength

LOL...could be interpreted as nerdy..so sue me :crybaby:

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Atleast the XR foggies aren't as blinding those on a VY SS. With one of them coming at you head on, I get seriously dazzled by how bright they are, and all the cops down here drive with them on. Bloody commodoore drivers.

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I still don't see how it can be a problem. I was taught it was safer to drive with your headlights on (makes it easier to see your car - yes, even in daylight, especially on highways), in fact, didn't they make it a rule for motorbikes? Anyway, if that is true, surely foglights, down low, where they can't get in anyone's face, must be OK as well....

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Guest Senator
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In NSW the fog light debate, equates to the offence of "drive with lights that dazzle" and = $130 but no points are attached to this offence. It also applies to you wankas out there that keep putting funny coloured globes in the windscreen wiper water jets on the bonnet. A real pet hate!

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Guest pompey
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Happened to me too a few years ago over here in Perth. Was driving my old VS SS to a mates house on New Years Eve about dusk. Cops passed me going the other way. As they passed they had a good look. I then watched them turn around in the mirror and come after me. Just got a warning. Think they'd have something better to do on New Year's Eve!

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  • 10 years later...
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Got told off 3 times by police for having them on. Once in NSW and twice in Vic. The last time in Vic I got threatened with a fine if caught doing it again.

I still use them occasionally at night on quiet country roads or if a headlight globe goes.

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  • Filthy weeb
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Got fined in Vic for it because the f*cker was initially going to ping me for 'hooning' - that was until I gave a legitimate reason, so he stung me for that instead. Went into a whole spiel on when and how to use them properly, before ending it with "so don't do it, it's annoying." Nice excuse for squeezing some money outta me f*cker.

I live on the border, so he would've had a field day in my home town where every second person with fog lights uses them in any conditions. No-one gives a sh*t because it's not a nuisance.

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Hence why they are called "FOG" lights used for driving in fog or poor conditions and not when you feel like it because you think they make the car look cool when youre driving the streets. You dont drive around with your high beams on?

I ask do we need them on the cars now as DRL are almost standard on new cars these days.

Info below taken from NSW Roads and Maritime

Fog lights

Front and rear fog lights must only be used in fog or rain, or when conditions such as smoke and dust limit your vision. It is a legal requirement that once conditions improve and you can see more clearly, the front and rear fog lights are switched off.

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