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Xr6t Utes Holding Their Value


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  • I see red
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I've noticed that s/h XR6T utes seem to be selling for nearly the same price as sedans. Good news for ute owners, not so good for sedan owners and potential ute buyers.

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Yes and a similar situation with XR8 utes compared to sedans.Very good retained values;good for private owners but for business purposes I suspect that most utes will be depreciated to well below their actual value which is good tax practice during the ownership period but this of course means a capital gain penalty at trade in time..........Ah well swings and roundabouts :spoton:

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Noticed the same thing when looking for my XR6T ute (which I finally found). A quick search on carsales shows.

I reakon anything 2003 is a real bargain at the moment, 2004 plates are still holding strong. You can get you hands on loaded up (with options not bricks :)) ute for around 33k sedans around the same.

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Excluding on road costs I only payed $36,500 for my T ute and its worth about $35K today! Although in reality I could only sell it for $33k, but that's only $3K depreciation in 12 months!

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  • potty trained
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my experience is that the utes (like the sedans) are hard to sell and that the classifieds are filled with dreamers

with the petrol pricing and interest rates nudging up ... they'll be even harder to sell

Ford will no doubt drop new car prices on these things soon as we head into the third tri-mester of the model .... and that will really kick the crap out of used XR and FPV prices ... nothing surer ... look at the year 2001 in the classifieds ... some of those are painful (and overly hopeful)... lets hope all those cars were bought at a good price in the first place

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I think it could be to do with the fact so many large corps have staff who get these cars as company vehicles and only have them 6-12mths then the leasing company flogs them off cheap and the staff memder gets a new one. Therefore there are a heap more sedans for sale out there at a cheap price then utes. Most company's that have utes are not big corps and mainly small companies such as plumbers & builders.

Could be wrong but it make sense to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I think it could be to do with the fact so many large corps have staff who get these cars as company vehicles and only have them 6-12mths then the leasing company flogs them off cheap and the staff memder gets a new one. Therefore there are a heap more sedans for sale out there at a cheap price then utes. Most company's that have utes are not big corps and mainly small companies such as plumbers & builders.

Could be wrong but it make sense to me.


I know of guys in big companies who have gone the ute over the sedan because of FBT breaks (or so they say) with utes and not with sedans...

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  • Sucker
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I think it could be to do with the fact so many large corps have staff who get these cars as company vehicles and only have them 6-12mths then the leasing company flogs them off cheap and the staff memder gets a new one. Therefore there are a heap more sedans for sale out there at a cheap price then utes. Most company's that have utes are not big corps and mainly small companies such as plumbers & builders.

Could be wrong but it make sense to me.


I know of guys in big companies who have gone the ute over the sedan because of FBT breaks (or so they say) with utes and not with sedans...


Yep – a ute’s primary purpose is not for carrying passengers.


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