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Ive Been Dating This Bird For A Few Mths


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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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goooone  :blink: Mate never pay second fiddle to anybody for what ever reason,

Life is too short to be worrying about it.  When in doubt throw it out :spoton:

I agree. I wouldnt put up with it.

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  • FG Falcon fan!
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Need more details..

such as are you just "seeing each other"... or have both decided to be "exclusive"..

or simply could be that she is trying to make you jealous.... and test your boundaries

end of the day .. If you don't like it  Speak up and Say so... its your life and up to you what you allow to happen



We've decided to be exclusive many weeks ago. We just spent a 3 day weekend in Sydney together too. I mean generally speaking I trust M, however if you were a girl trying to impress a guy or show him how you felt about him would you really want to send such a weird msg? The effect of this is a turn off to me, the decision is hers if she wants to turn me off then invite him over.

And another thing. If a guy (the guy being invited to dinner) really likes a girl he wants her fullstop, no 1 month nonsense. Clearly this other guy mainly saw M for sex. I dont know this other guy and have no reason to trust him.

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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She's gone man

Your're being played or a sucker

Don't ever cop that crap

Women are full of their own self importance so she needs to go and look after this bloke and you need to go ignore her and find someone else.

Not worth it...no matter how many good things she does or how much you want her..ask her if the letters F O mean anything to her (al la Smokey and the Bandit Movie)

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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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Need more details..

such as are you just "seeing each other"... or have both decided to be "exclusive"..

or simply could be that she is trying to make you jealous.... and test your boundaries

end of the day .. If you don't like it  Speak up and Say so... its your life and up to you what you allow to happen


.Clearly this other guy mainly saw M for sex. I dont know this other guy and have no reason to trust him.

that's a good point. You know what he wants.....

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Plonk your brutal bt honest.

Woman will do what they can to get angry at you!!

You are being played but let her do it!!!! but think about it...you need to watch her to see what happens! She obviously has feelings about him why would she offer to cook,,,,, Dont trust her

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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ok, I dont have an agenada so here's my op..

Depends on how they broke up.... did he/she call it?? If he did, maybe she's hanging??

Did she?? maybe she feels bad??

either way, show her you are a better man and let her do as she pleases. If she sees you trust her, she might just look at you in a differernt way??

We men are jealous monsters at the best of times...... we sometimes have to realise that women can be 'just friends' but dude, I know for a fact men can't..

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  • FG Falcon fan!
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we sometimes have to realise that women can be 'just friends' but dude, I know for a fact men can't..


very well put. I dont think its 100% true but its very close to the mark.

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or on this ex's birthday dinner night, make other plans with her such as "I think we should do sumthing special together" like a movie,dinner,theatre.. anything.

and if she says "no sorry ive gotta goto his b-day.. well THEN u spit the chips and put the hard word down. :laughing:

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  • 570Nm @1800rpm
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Sorry to be harsh mate but if I was you I would :laughing: her off before she :spoton: 's you over!!

Some people may have different opinions about how much slack they give thier partner with seeing other people, etc. I personally dont tolerate it and if you would not do it to her and she has no respect for you in the same way then :spoton: her off!!

Plain and simple! End of story! :spoton:

If you are a nice enought guy to care enough and this act of hers bothers you and she cant see that and make a change, then she nothing worth loosing sleep over!

Good luck!

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