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Dead Pixel On Premium Icc Screen


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  • Member For: 21y 4m 21d
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I've got one pixel that is locked on red on the ICC screen. I noticed it on the way home, I'm sure it wasn't there before so it must have just died.

Anybody know if Ford have a "dead pixel policy" and if they will replace the screen under warranty?

This has no effect on function but looks absolutely :spit:

A red dot on grey or black back ground and your eye is just drawn to the :crybaby: thing.

Edited by badabing
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I think that the policy is that there have to be 3 pixels together in which none of the colours are working (red, blue, green) before the screen will be changed under warranty. One dead pixel is considered within tolerances.....crap hey.

Check with your dealer, or else you could have an 'accident' with a cup of coffee etc.


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  • zeke
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FWIW, a pixel that always shows red is locked on and is far more noticeable and a greater problem than a dead pixel.

Often, a dead pixel is really only a dead cell in a pixel....ie only one of the three colours (red, green blue) is not working. So, it's really only a dead 1/3 of a pixel. It's not usually very obvious (but this depends on screen size and type etc). On a HD plasma, it can't be seen from more than about a metre Generally it's difficult to get a replacement as it "doesn't affect the normal viewing experience".

However, an "always live" pixel is much more annoying and usually accepted as a defect. A "flashing" pixel is worse again.

Some manufacturers, especially with commercial screens, have a technique for zapping live pixels with a laser at the end of the production line to turn them into dead pixels before the screen is shipped. one or two dead pixels is within tolerance.

The above comments apply to plasmas, but I think they would generally apply to lcd's as well. I had a Clarion TV in my last car and it was replaced on the basis of one defective, live pixel. So, I think you should stick to your guns re a replacement. The bottom line is that it is noticeable from the normal viewing distance and that's generally unacceptable with most screens

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Did you get a response from your dealer yet???

Did they give you the percentage that it needs to be???

I have heard to ppl been told that there needs to be a percentage of dead pixels before they replace them, I have also heard of a guy who happened to be under the required percentage and yet all the dead pixels where in the middle of the screen all in the same place (but still under the threshold, so no warrenty repair, but yet he couldn't use the screen...) :spoton:

Edited by harvyk
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Give the screen a good punching, that'll make them die!

Then they'll replace it. Just make sure to remove knuckle marks.


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  • Member For: 21y 4m 21d
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Well, they said they would replace it so you've gotta be happy with that.

fordboy1981 have all of yours been replaced due to pixel problems? Do you know if the ICC's they put in are new or reconditioned?

Edited by badabing
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