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Stop And Turn Or Lotsa Squirt


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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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Considering we continue to live in Nanny States dues to the electorate continuing to return social engineers (the ALP), I thought I would pose the following question.

What is more important to you in your car:

The ability to outhandle and outbrake other similar cars


The ability to run like a dog shot in the ass in a straight line.

I prefer great handling and braking over anything else. This sorts the men from the boys when it comes to a true test of skill.

The XR6T already has a fantastically linear power delivery as does the Boss engines. Well thought out handling options alongside brakes that induce nose bleeds are far more important to me than a car that rips your arms out of your sockets when you hit the accelerator.

Sure it's great to be able to lay down regular 12's (I know my 440 Magnum powered Dodge could do it regularly with no fine tuning) but the real adrenalin rush is tipping a car into a 35kmh corner at 85K, holding a good line and maintaining the balance of the car and being able to get back on the throttle just as you leave the apex of the corner.

So this begs the question, who spends more money on spring/damper alignment upgrades as well as rotor/pad combo's as opposed to the upside down approach....reprogrammed ECM's, exhausts etc etc without doing all susp/brake upgrades first.

Which is more important: handling/brakes or straight line squirt

PS Leave an self promotion at the door as well as any 'Performance Sticker and Bodykit' mentality as it is covered by numerous magazines to cater for the intellectually challenged.

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Hi Plonky,

It's a dog shot in the arse for me, though I do love a good last ditch braking effort & oversteer, though not with the brakes BP has. LMAO. Must hurry up & gather $1750 for brake upgrade nearly had it Tuesday arvo.


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Having driven standard model Falcons and Commodores at their limit in "controlled" and "uncontrolled" (ie Avalon Airport Runway with track setup/ Public Roads going to hot jobs) I can say that these cars, when pressed, are fast enough and capable enough for anything that you are doing lawfully. It is also quite extraordinary seeing what a professional driver can do with these cars. I doubt people will agree with me on this, but I believe that a faster/more powerful engine often covers up, and infact allows, a lack of driving skill.

My point is, a standard model Falcon with an automatic transmission will out perform its driver 99% of the time. I've seen it. These cars don't have much grunt in a straight line compared to an XR6T, XR8 or SS, nor do they have the suspension advantages offered by the sports themed vehicles, yet, they are great fun to drive hard through twisty bits of road when you can really let them work.

The point of that little OT rant, I would have to say I much prefer a car that has the cornering prowess before straight line speed. Excepting what a massively skilled task it is to launch a car, particularly a turbo, quickly without going into wheel spin or bogging down, there isn't much more to driving in a straight line than "keep eyes open, push pedal to floor".

My parents have just bought a Mazda MX5 Turbo. The thing has an intercooler that looks about the same size as one on an XR6 Turbo..... That is a 1:43 scale model of one. It goes ok in a striaght line, but nothing like the Turbo or similar big Aussie sedans.

Throw corners at it and its like a go-cart. The thing is mind blowing. There is just no way possible that a mortal (read as: non professional) driver could ever extract close to what the chassis of that car is capable of. The "massive" 17" x 225 tyres give so much grip no matter how hard you brake on asphault, you can't get the ABS to activate.

Conclusion: A car that can handle well is 1,000 times more fun if the driver has the capability to drive it.

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a car that rips your arms out of your sockets when you hit the accelerator.

That's what I like. I love it when it feels like my stomach has been left behind back down the road a bit! :thumbsup: Don't get me wrong, going around corners quickly is a lot of fun too, but I'm usually not confident enough to push it right to the limit.

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I like the all round package, corner like on rails, stopping like you just hit a wall head on and that rocket up a cats arse acceleration. I know some people will argue the XR6 T does handle and stop very well. Which for a car of its size and weight it does resonably well, however... It can be improved. I believe once you get behind the wheel of a car that's so well balanced and really handles you will fall in love and want to spend those next mod $ on improving the XR as close to that kind of level possible.

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  • FG Falcon fan!
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Considering the majority of us dont drive at the track then 0-100kmh is far more important to me. I have neither the skill nor experience to be attempting spirited cornering escapades on public roads (nor should I). The next best thing Ive done is go-karting which is a lotta fun.

Im not sure what relevance political parties have to this matter.

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I like the all round package, corner like on rails, stopping like you just hit a wall head on and that rocket up a cats arse acceleration. I know some people will argue the XR6 T does handle and stop very well. Which for a car of its size and weight it does resonably well, however... It can be improved. I believe once you get behind the wheel of a car that's so well balanced and really handles you will fall in love and want to spend those next mod $ on improving the XR as close to that kind of level possible.


:thumbsup: though I would lean more to the power side of things.

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I'd vote for the "dog shot in the arse" option. My car has upgraded front brakes and altered suspension but I don't like driving fast on public roads. I enjoy a traffic light duel (but no bas*ard will take me on) but I don't go overly fast. I just get to the speed quickly. I don't think people should push their cars on public roads cause sh*t happens and it's not fair to endanger innocent people.

I think that the 0-100 is probably the most important. I intend to do track days and will no doubt be putting money into improving the handling and stopping even further after this.

Geea. :spoton:

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  • Lemming No #5
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a car that rips your arms out of your sockets when you hit the accelerator.


That's what I like. I love it when it feels like my stomach has been left behind back down the road a bit! :spoton: Don't get me wrong, going around corners quickly is a lot of fun too, but I'm usually not confident enough to push it right to the limit.


Hit the nail on the head there.

that's wat I like 2 :w00t2:

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I am always a track racer, so the cornering and stopping are top of the list for me.

I think the stock power of the T is enuf for me :lol:

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