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Progress Update: How Is BCL's Car Going?


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I think what brian and Nizpro have achieved in the past years is unbelievable and they dont need to prove them self to no one. What they have done is somthing special which all T owners looking to modify their cars, have and will benefit from.



You summed it up nicely my friend. ;)

This car is definately one of the best all round packages, overall, which ever model of car you'd like to refer to.

As long as it's enjoyed by the owner, who care's what it can and can't do.

I bet some people would've been suprised to see my car parked outside Dee Bee's restaurant in Double Bay last night amongst all the society rides, while I enjoyed a leisurely dinner with friend's. Enjoy yourselves. :nono:

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I get asked, "what times does it do?", meaning, how quick is it over 400m. Maybe then, a follow up question about the power it makes.

Associate with bogans and Late model camira drivers, and you expect more??

I'm perplexed

Someone's gotta stop the bogan's handing the Ford driver's their arses down the drags :blush:

They're all bogans, but we whinge when we read continually how the HSV's are quicker than the FPV's in the magazines?

Now that's perplexing.


You should just stick to blaming valve float to your valve springs instead of an OBVIOUSLY restrictive exhaust ... dont worry about speculating upon 1/4 mile times that Brians street/circuit car can achieve :Doh:


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  • Team Xtreme
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I think what brian and Nizpro have achieved in the past years is unbelievable and they dont need to prove them self to no one. What they have done is somthing special which all T owners looking to modify their cars, have and will benefit from.



jesus you hit that nail on the head pretty hard muzza :w00t2:

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Does 480rwklw=1000hp?

480 kw = 643.431 hp

580 kw = 777.479 hp

746 kw = 1000 hp

yes that's rwhp figues not engine figures buddy :w00t2:

I hope his got more than that on saturday :spoton::msm:

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  • Team Xtreme
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Does 480rwklw=1000hp?

480 kw = 643.431 hp

580 kw = 777.479 hp

746 kw = 1000 hp

yes that's rwhp figues not engine figures buddy :w00t2:

I hope his got more than that on saturday :spoton::tease:

lol jeff. U might wanna pack a couple of spare blue bottles buddy :msm:

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keeping me busy


Thanks Mal.

Just to repeat, and summarise, this project was about trying to create a tough Ford T package based around a Nizpro 1000HP at engine (that roughly translates to 600rwkw or 800rwhp). That package involves clutch, gearbox, wheels, tyres, suspension, CVs and half-shaft, brakes, and for each of these I've tried to source the best components I can get. Mandate was to have good drivability, easy starting, good idle, good rev capability, and not to be too noisy driving at speed limits.

This is not a drag car, but one with good circuit capability.

More power is easily obtainable (based on Nizpro R&D), if that was the objective, via bigger turbo & cams.

The most this car has seen on the dyno is around 590rwkw, but from around 550rwkw it becomes harder to make more power because of the exhaust back-pressure.

As a guide, for street use anything over 450rwkw is really way too much, and I'm trying to be as cautious as I can be. Car is currently set to around 480rwkw on 98 octane.

After CVs arrive a higher power flash tune map will be established.


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