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Progress Update: How Is BCL's Car Going?


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Straight onto the T56. What happened to waiting and saving a bit?

I've been offered a deal that I can't (and won't) refuse...

Jack :crybaby:

Another purple weapon getting a t56..good stuff mate. you steering wheel attendants must get paid orright.... :fool:

whats your plan for your t5....? coffee table? doors stop...? eww i know letter box stand...!! :msm:

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That cam must seriously be helping as well...... That is just so much power for so little effort (read:boost)... Just unreal.

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Another purple weapon getting a t56..good stuff mate. you steering wheel attendants must get paid orright....


whats your plan for your t5....? coffee table? doors stop...? eww I know letter box stand...!!

Not sure yet... it's just such a shame that they aren't worth much... considering it's still in excellent condition, it's only done 50K... I might advertise it in the trading post and see what I get... no takers there, I think I'll use it as a door stop :spoton:

Jack :spoton:

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It makes 350rwkw at 7lb boost, and 480rwkw at 17lb currently, and that has been without much tuning effort.

Another 2 weeks???


Stirling effort.

How does this compare with the Motec, irrelivent of the injector size??

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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It makes 350rwkw at 7lb boost, and 480rwkw at 17lb currently, and that has been without much tuning effort.

Another 2 weeks???


Stirling effort.

How does this compare with the Motec, irrelivent of the injector size??

Thanks. I spoke to Simon last week.

With the Nizpro drilled (small) injectors he did a bit more tuning, and took it to 500rwkw at 17lb boost, then called a break to that line of work.

Going back through the old threads and notes last year, with the Motec we had just around 510 rwkw at 20lb boost, and 570 at 24lb, which about the ballpark as I get around 15rwkw per 1lb of boost (with the end target of 600rwkw at 26-27lb boost with that turbo).

At these power levels the exhaust appears to be more of a restriction, and from then it starts to become harder to make more power with full exhaust in place.

So at the 500rwkw level the Edit would appear comparable, if not slightly superior.

What we have lost is the independent cam timing that the Motec provided, that gave us more power at the lower to mid rev levels. Tuning and R&D is now focused here, and I have been requested not to divulge exactly what is being done.

Cold/hot starting, idle and rev control is far better with the Edit compared with the Motec. Tunability is far greater with the Edit.

At this stage the Edit looks very promising.

Hopefully the benefit of this R&D will filter back to all Edit users.


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Do you think you'll ever get to the end of the rainbow Brian?

I look forward to the day when you've gotten the beast home and are just happily annihilating the roads at ludicrous power (not speed). :crybaby:

Plan on doing some track days, drifting or drags? VIDS and more VIDS please! ;)

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Do you think you'll ever get to the end of the rainbow Brian?

Don't you know, that when you try to find the end of the rainbow, it moves to somewhere else ??? I think it's the same with Brian's car !!!!!!

Brian, hopefully it will be all go for the BVWII !!! BTW have you thought about a ZF 6 speed ?



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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Do you think you'll ever get to the end of the rainbow Brian?

Don't you know, that when you try to find the end of the rainbow, it moves to somewhere else ??? I think it's the same with Brian's car !!!!!!

Brian, hopefully it will be all go for the BVWII !!! BTW have you thought about a ZF 6 speed ?



Yes it's a week closer today than it was a week ago!

I will drive the car at BV2 weekend, and it will go on the dyno at Nizpro & HPF.

Upgraded CV's are not in the car yet, and I was told still 6-8 weeks away.

My older Sti is now being rebuilt, in a separate project, and that will be a road weapon. The Ford is more of a touring car.

Anyway, I’m way too busy working long hours, so it’s not like it’s urgent.

I don’t have an issue with the Ford being used for R&D by Nizpro, and I have great respect for Simons ability and knowledge, and he is the most experienced and knowledgeable person in Australia with regard to the Ford T.

Many of my I.T projects are 2 to 3 year projects, so there is an analogy with regard to the Ford project, and it’s still the early years in the life of the Ford Turbo development. As for ZF 6-speed nothing is ruled out, but it’s not on the immediate horizon.


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