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Loose Bolt On Turbo


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A few weeks ago I put in a post regarding some weird noise coming from what I thought was near the turbo area when on boost. After weeks of pulling my hair out, I was tightening every clamp on the hoses and tightening every bolt with no success. This morning I decided to take of the heat shield around the turbo and what do you know, the problem staring me in the face a loose bolt about to fall out from where it lives. The other one next to it was a bit loose too. The bolt that holds the support for the dump pipe wasnt even there all together. Believe it or not 3 bolts on the manifold were loose too. I didnt take the other shield off to have a look as the two lines for cooling the turbo are in the way, so who knows there could be more loose bolts. I was sooo happy to have found the problem but at the same time very angry at Ford. Its things like this that dont wont to make me buy another Ford again. :spoton:


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That is crook, when I performed my first intermediate oil change on BP I noticed a bolt lying ontop of the Cross member, doesn't look like it ever went in to a hole, quality control isn't an option unfortunately


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every time I service goldie I tighten these bolts and that is part of what ford are suppose to do when they service the cars.that's what you guys pay them to do.


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Guest PSIXR6
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Yeah I have had experience with this in previous turbo cars, and yes its common after a while for these nuts and bolts to come loose. How many km's has your car done. I do remember reading in the handbook that fords supposed to chech the tightness of these bolts at certain sevice intervals. Dont know which ones from memory, but it does state that they are cheched.

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I have all 3 bolts missing in the same area. Ford refuse to replace them under warranty as they are blaming the exhaust place that put my exhaust on, and the exhaust place are saying it was not them, as they do not go anywhere near the turbo as they attach the exhaust from the bottom of the dump pipe down.

They have also indicated to me that they have seen a lot of these specific bolts vibrate loose on the T’s, something that Ford deny’s and my dealer said to me even if he tried to put it through warranty Ford will knock it back, as it cannot be justified how they have come loose.

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After owning a Nissan turbo (SR20DET) and Toyota (3SGTE) and now the T, I have notcied that the turbo bolts on all three 3 of these cars do get loose or sometimes are missing altogether after 35-40k. Get the dealer to tighten them every time you go in for warranty work/servicing.

Guys, I don't think it is Ford QC issue. It sounds like the dealers are not performing this check at all or regularly enough.

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Guest PSIXR6
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Hey JB,

What have you done with your exhaust and who has done the work. Cant seem to find anyone my way who seems to know much about the T's. Can u state what has been done, cat replaced??? What size is your system :spoton:


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  • Forum Superhero
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Hey JB,

What have you done with your exhaust and who has done the work. Cant seem to find anyone my way who seems to know much about the T's. Can u state what has been done, cat replaced??? What size is your system :ermm:


APS Exhaust. :spoton:


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