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Automatic Signs Of A Tosser.


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Boyz I didnt even know there was a rule on having your lights on during the day, that's got to be the most useless ... crud ....some laws seriously... Anything that increases your visibility on the road is gotta be good

Oh dear... :k24t: "Anything that increases your visibility on the road is gotta be good" - even if it affects OTHER drivers' ability to see where they are going? Please tell me you're not one of these guys (like those Camry Vienta and VN Late model camira drivers) who drive with their high beams on during the day to presumably increase their visibility on the road.


nah mate not with highbeams .. that's stupid ... :lol:

I do drive with parkers and bottom spots though when Im huntin in overcast weather :thumbsup:

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The only times I have ever heard of people being pulled over in QLD is when they had coloured lights, eg, blue, red, purple.


Oh yeah, no surprises there that the rules are different in QLD.

I must add after driving to work this morning that I'm disgusted with the amount of people driving with no lights on or just their parkers. Do people really believe that those 5w parking bulbs make them more visible in bad weather? And why is it that people with silver Corollas seem to think they don't need headlights on at all? Do people have any idea about the changing road conditions with different weather?! Ugh!

And the winners this morning driving with HIGH BEAMS on in the rain:

- Toyota Camry (model before current)

- VR Commodore

An old bloke behind the wheel of each. And this was all during a 20 minute trip.

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I dont mind front fog lights, if they are adjusted etc, it is the pesky little rear one on cheap crap hyundai excel's that sh*t me, they are brighter than a brake light, follow one of those wankers for a few clicks at night and see how annoying it is.

I usually high beam them till they pull over or piss off out of my way, wankers.

That feels better.

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I dont mind front fog lights, if they are adjusted etc, it is the pesky little rear one on cheap crap hyundai excel's that sh*t me, they are brighter than a brake light, follow one of those wankers for a few clicks at night and see how annoying it is.

I usually high beam them till they pull over or piss off out of my way, wankers.

That feels better.

Ah yes, the same goes for Barina's with the fog lights built into the tail light cluster. Subaru Liberty's are also guilty as well as Astras and Vectras. Grrr.

I'm glad you were able to relieve yourself, Eugene! :blink:

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  • Sucker
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I dont mind front fog lights, if they are adjusted etc, it is the pesky little rear one on cheap crap hyundai excel's that sh*t me, they are brighter than a brake light, follow one of those wankers for a few clicks at night and see how annoying it is.

I usually high beam them till they pull over or piss off out of my way, wankers.

That feels better.


I feel comfort in knowing I'm not the only one to do such things! Idiots.


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  • 6 years later...
  • 09JET
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Number one sign for me:

Let me set the scene. You hear the low frequency vibration from ages away. As it gets closer you can distinctly here the rear spoiler trying to rattle off the boot and the rear window trying to pop out. As he pulls up next to you, you can't help but laugh at how far he has the drivers seat of his VR commonwhore laid back. You notice he's got one of those stupid f*ckin unit caps with a flat brim on, but its turned slightly upward and cocked at 45 degress to his stupid head. He's got those hole earings in too, in case you need somewhere to store a pen or pencil when your walking down the street. He's got a bandana hanging from the rear view mirror. He's white, pasty white, yet the garbage pumping out of his fusion stereo is clearly for black people or fans of backyard pharmacueticals. Its slammed on either bags or twenties or both, showing he has no mechanical knowledge or common sense. When he takes off from the lights, he gasses it: OOOOOORRRRRRRRRRR-TTTOOOWWWWWWWWWWW then has to brake harshly for the next set of lights that is only a hundred metres away. You wanna smack him in the mouth, but what's the point, he aint gunna learn.

Maitland is full of these wankers

Edited by Rhino1980
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smack em anyway.

The ones that get me around here are exactly the same except they drive old VT statesmans with the front lifted up and stock tyres on the rear... WTF! WHY !!!!!!!! WHY !! WHY!! WHY!!

You couldn't be more of loser if you tried.

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  • Formerly EGOBFXR6
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All this talk of fog lights prompted me to share a story about a couple of 'automatic tossers'

3 or 4 months ago I was having issues with set after set of headlights blowing out.

I was leaving band practice at about 10pm on a Friday night. Turned the car on and switched the lights on - Front left headlight blows out. Keeping in mind I'd just been to the mechanic that morning to have them replaced, I was a little more than pissed off.

Now, I never ever use my fog lights, but as it was so late and dark I thought I would put on my fog lights for some additional light. Just so I could get home and replace them the next morning... Go 30 seconds down the road for some dinner...And who should I see pull up at the lights across from me... Traffic police. Instantly they put on the lights and pull me over.

Ask me why I had my fog lights on. I plead my case and explained how I had just had them replaced this morning and I was having issues with them blowing out. I'd gone through 3 sets in the last month. My car is full of musical equipment and I'm 2 minutes from the Rehearsal studio. Start looking at the car, knocking on panels etc - Tell me my newish tyres only have a month left tops. Ask me why my cat-back exhaust is so loud. Just being real assholes. I never once talked back and was more than happy to answer anything they asked. Not rude or abrupt.

Then, in all his hilarity, tells me, "You know for less than the price of that Mcdonald's, you could have gone into the Service station and bought a new set of globes... Then there would be no problem here then if what you claim is correct..."

No I'm a very calm and positive person but that really pissed me off. He waddles back to his car and keeps me waiting. Comes back with some mumbled rubbish about 'fog lights are for fog - Do you see any fog?' Awards me $100 and 2 demerits.

I'm a rating 1 driver, been driving for 7 years and never a claim. Never and accident. Only ever 1 warning and 2 speeding tickets from radars - Both involving no points being lost. I'm not 18 and on my P's - Not hooning or being an idiot. Just wanted to go home after a long week.

That is the sort of stuff that gives these traffic police such a bad name... tossers...

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What the cop should have said was " That was smart of you to put on your fog lights as driving with one light can be dangerous. Are you aware that it is an offense to drive with your fog lights on when there is no fog. Make sure you get the blown head light globe replaced ASAP and remember dont drive with your fog lights on unless its foggy as its an XX fine and XX points." What this cop needed was a good smack around the head and told to wake up to himself and go find someone who is really breaking the law. What a tosser.

Edited by arronm
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