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What Made You Buy A T


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I Love them to death, it's as simple as that. What other car looks as cool, kicks soo much butt, has the potential to be a real monster and at the same time, offers perfect comfort.

Had an AU Series III XR6 VCT and was never happy with it, it was a pig and the adaptive shift (rememberes last 10 take off's) was an absolute joke. Test drove a BA Futura and was sold.

Originally wanted a XR6T Blueprint Ute as they were not much more then a fully optioned NA Sedan. "Why would you want a sedan, that's not practical", yeah well, :glad: you know who.

Got the Phantom NA sedan, prem sound, rear power windows, LSD, etc...blah, blah as I wanted it up to the options a stock T would come with. Modified it with the protype package for the NA, work done at RDP (Redcliffe Dyno) and was satisfied as it turned into a weapon on launch. Great car. 230kwfw.

Now I no longer have GIMLI thanks to that :glad: :glad: of an ex!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now desperatley wanting to get back into a BA but this time it is going to be a TURBO, just have to hope the bargain of the century falls my way thanks to "you know who" making our situation even worse then before. Will have no where near the cash I was hoping for as I very well could have bought one outright, that would have been sweet. Now hoping for the bargain of the century. "Hint", "Hint" to all!!! :glad: :glad:

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I dont own one and never will unless they were to be released over here. Even then if that ever happened it will be the model after BA.

Reason I would buy one... Well I am not a Ford person. I like all cars that show great value for money, to me the XR6T is on that list. Add to that a torquey turbo 6 that can lay some rubber :glad: it had me at hello in the mid $40,000 range.

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  • Flower Power
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Been a Ford fan since way back, my first car was a TE Cortina and always loved my cousins XE ESP. Did like the Holdens when the AU came out, but am proud to say I've never owned a Holden :D

When I heard about the XR6T I knew I had to have one over the Subaru Liberty B4. Wanted a bigger car for more comfort on long trips, able to put people in the back, and have plenty of power on tap. Best choice I've ever made :spoton:

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I'm a Expensive Daewoo man at heart.

A V8 Expensive Daewoo man at that.

The "young people" were talking up the T and work had a "Ford partnership program" going.

I like fast cars and have never had a turbo or a Ford.

I'm a swinging voter, the discount and the love of trying new things made me do it.

Ps: I will never sell my EH though !

Now let me tell you how classy the EH is. It all started in 1964..........................

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XR8's weren't available at the time.


Went to the Dealer intending to buy the XR8 and then test drove the "T" as they did not have an auto 8 at the time and the rest as they say is history.

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was starting a new job that had a car allowance... wanted either a RX8, WRX or a XR6T.... test drove the T and the rest was history... pretty much based on the fact I'd fit into it comfortably and it was nice and fast :)

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I couldn't buy a Expensive Daewoo cause my dad wouldn't let me in his house.


I wouldnt either :lol:

I can hear him now

Your parking 2 blocks down I dont want that thing parked in my drive way

what a classic : :lol:

Why im dying to buy one a couple of reasons

When I drove it it was like driving a lounge room on steroids , cushy as anything but plant that foot and woah instant hyperspace :ermm::blush:

Two .... its a Ford DOHC ... and ad a turbo to it and its a winner ...

Three..... Under 50k for an aristocrat annihalator ... lets see what Geeves has to say about that after his 100 K + Porshe succoms to a modded T :sick:

Four ...... Check out the lovely people on this forum :ermm:

and finally ... nice and easy... its a family car so after Im married it wont be so bad like my Capri convertible now ....

seems like some good reasons to me :ermm:

Edited by MRDOHC
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1) Got rave reviews upon release and often still does.

2) Understated car that goes hard yet looks cool enough

3) Responds very well to mods available that makes it a performance bargain. Spend a few $$$ and get a great result. Spend some more and get and awesome ride.

4) Great value :o

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I've always been a Ford person. Back in 2002 I was thinking about buying a house, but on the income I was on back then, it would have had to be derelict for me to afford it. Then one day while I was driving along in my slow EL Falcon, I thought "Hmmm... I might not be able to afford a house, but I reckon I could probably afford one of those awesome new BA Falcons." So I did a little research and decided the XR6T was the one to get, and bought one. :spoton:

Also seeing high performance cars flying off into the distance and being unable to keep up was a bit of an incentive. :spoton:

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