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Foxtel Iq


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I thought I would let you all know about the new Foxtel IQ. I am getting mine tomorrow morning, so I thought I would let you all know what it does/is.

Essentially it is a Foxtel Digital receiver with a 160Gb hard disk inside. It will allow you to record 2 digital channels at the same time, pause live TV and schedule recordings based on the Foxtel TV guide.

If you are a TV addict, it is a must have.

If you want more info, Click Here

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I think it is a waste of money we looked into it and we have to pay 500 up front and no monthly fees but it is not ours to keep, I might aswell go and buy one from a store for an extra couple of hundred and then it is mine to keep

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$5.95/mth service fee. :spoton:

You have no way of exporting recorded programmes to disc etc and the movies you record expire after 2 weeks.... :blush:

Buy outright a HD capture card for $170 odd http://www.pccasegear.com/prod1831.htm

use the SVid connection and record and keep all you want. :w00t2:

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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I did check out all the forums and made my decision on several things.

We only plan on using Fox Digital, we do not have an external aerial so all our TV comes through the Fox box.

I donot care that I do not own it as it will be covered by Fox onsite warranty, kept up to date by fox and does what we need.

I have aPC that can do all the caputre things, burn to DVD, etc, but it is all difficult for SWMBO to use. We also never need to keep anything we record on Fox, we record it then watch it, then delete it. You can keep it for as long as you want, except for FBO programs.

I like it because it is simple to use and you can record on 2 different channels at the same time.

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  • In Your Face
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I think it is a waste of money we looked into it and we have to pay 500 up front and no monthly fees but it is not ours to keep, I might aswell go and buy one from a store for an extra couple of hundred and then it is mine to keep


Totally agree :spoton:

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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Well for all the doubters I have started using it and IT ROCKS :blink:

It was up and running by 8:30 am, so I decided to record the V8 supercars and the Voyager x 3 in a row all at the same time.

I had some chors to do and I am now watching the V8's from the begining while it is recording the current broadcast 2hrs ahead of what I am watching.

I can skip through ads at 30x with crystal clear fast foward.

I can record just by selecting programs from the fox digital menu.

Yes you can buy your own recorder, they cannot do what the IQ can do.

I bet if any of you tried it you would love it after 20 mins use.

Do not knock something that has onloy just been released, you can bet there will be a wait for these in 2 months once the word spreads :blink:

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$5.95/mth service fee.  :blink:

You have no way of exporting recorded programmes to disc etc and the movies you record expire after 2 weeks.... :blink:

Buy outright a HD capture card for $170 odd http://www.pccasegear.com/prod1831.htm

use the SVid connection and record and keep all you want. :gooff:

Daggy, does this then plug into your Foxtel box??

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  • zeke
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If we were on cable Foxtel, I'd order one of these thingy's. But, on satellite, you only get ABC ands SBS of the FTA channels via Fox.....so you can't use to record the other FTA channels. At least, that's the way I understand it. It'd be nice to find out I'm wrong.

So, I'm one of the many waiting for the HD7000 Topfield twin-tuner PVR....it's been so long coming that people are starting to call it the Mirage HD7000!

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$5.95/mth service fee.  :o

You have no way of exporting recorded programmes to disc etc and the movies you record expire after 2 weeks.... :o

Buy outright a HD capture card for $170 odd http://www.pccasegear.com/prod1831.htm

use the SVid connection and record and keep all you want. :msm:


Daggy, does this then plug into your Foxtel box??


It could but the box is in another room in the house so at the moment I have it running through a GigaAir AV Sender similiar to this one but half the price :blink: :


Running this you can have Fox on different TV's in the house for free (Must watch the same channel but with the remote extender you have full control...unless somebody else has the other remote....). :blink:

How much cheaper...probably shouldnt tell but:


There recievers only you still need the transmitter. :gooff:

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I just use my dvd recorder for all my tv shows and just use rw discs, I think its a great idea just not for the price not when I just spent a crap load on a dvd recorder

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