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Gran Turismo 4

Maxx Power

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Street Racing Sindicate (Not sure on spelling)

I played it on xbox at some car show I was at. A fun game but still very arcade styled... Still very fun none the less.

MRDOHC, You are not Atari boy... I was referring to Geeseman

Geeseman, From previous threads on GT4 on several times you would make several comments like "dodge 'em car sim" and such, but never really have nothing behind your responses. I admit this time you are making some valid points, however I must disagree on the physics of the game. I have found it very good once traction and stability controls are turned off. The game is also very sensitive now to amount of steer and throttle inputs, it is almost at the stage where you either need alot of pratice with the hand control or buy the 900° wheel so it is easier to use minimal steer and throttle etc when needed. As per rolling the car, take it or leave it like damage to the car. Car damage - play properly and avoid purposly hitting cars if that's what take fun away from the game for you. Rolling - Majority of the time you spin out of control into a sand trap anyways and lose an absolute crap load of time... Create you own damage, if you stuff up, press reset. :) It is only a $90 game. Not everything is going to be perfect on it, no game is, but as an overwelming majority of people around the world agree, it is as good as it gets... for now.

I am just interested to know you connection with Atari that's all, it has to do with it because a bias opinion will explain alot of your posts in the past.

Also curious... What do you think is a better driving simulator... I hope you dont say V8 Supercars 2 where you lose your rear wing and it has no effect on high speed stability, or the fact a V8 Supercar can lap any of the V8 tracks at least 20-30 seconds faster then any of the real V8 Supercars could in real life. Or the fact that sand traps hardly slow you down and if you go off track on alot of the course going across the sand trap or grass makes an awesome shortcut without penilty.

All I am trying to point out here is no game is perfect, and probably never will be. To me I play whatever racing games I can get my hand on... From NFSU2, SRS, Crazy Taxi to GT4 and V8 Supercars 2. They are all fun to me.

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I am just interested to know you connection with Atari that's all, it has to do with it because a bias opinion will explain alot of your posts in the past.

Also curious... What do you think is a better driving simulator... I hope you dont say V8 Supercars 2 where you lose your rear wing and it has no effect on high

V8 Supercars is much more a simulator of real life racing. The fact that it has real time damage, which does affect car performance for 90% of the car components that damage (wheels, gearbox, steering etc), has a competent physics engine, actually has opposing AI in its drivers, way more cars on track and so on, . It is sped up but I also prefer that to the boring, sedate pace of the GT series. Not being able to corner is a Phoon at 40mph is pathetic. In addition cars take damage in real life. It hampers performance in real life. The sh!t AI in GT4 will have cars smash through you cause you're in their pre-programed racing line and they happily drive on their way. Lame +1 :gooff:

GT because of its non-existant AI, lame 'dodge 'em' physics and crap gameplay (for the rally mode especially) does not simulate real driving at all. Polyphony had a chance to change this with GT4 and the fact that they didnt (or couldn't) means its no better than GT3

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Steve (Geeseman),

I have most driving games and they all have their faults and advantages.

My all time fav was interstate 76, where you could mod your car with performance bits and GUNS. Not only could you drive quick, you could shoot at other cars.....now that what I call a driving game.

My only gripe with GT4 is they will not have it made for the PC....again

I know that GT4 has limitations, this is mainly to do with the power of the PS2 hardware. We cannot compare PC or XBox games with the PS2 ones because the hardware is very old now on the PS2, so the game designers have to consider what is the must haves and what we can do without when it comes to driving. For a car to do a roll in GT4 would cause the PS2 to slow down to 1fps as the calculations to do a roll would put a huge hit on the processor.

All I can say is enjoy the game for what it is, I just wished there was a way to get all the licenses again without sitting through 6 hours of basic driving.

I usually only play my PS2 when I go to indycar, but I haqve had a renewed enjoyment of this device since I purchased GT4.

Oh, and I tried the Typhoon on the Nur track....my best time after 3 laps was 8:32 :gooff: I think I need to use the wheel and more practice :gooff:

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For a car to do a roll in GT4 would cause the PS2 to slow down to 1fps as the calculations to do a roll would put a huge hit on the processor.

V8 supercars 2 on PS2 has 21 cars in each race, has a physics engine that supports spectacular collions, car damage and rolls.

Theres no doubt that some of the visuals in GT4 look better than V8's (in terms of background visuals) but certainly their programmers are missing something when there is such a difference between the two games.

But I agree it's all down to fun in the end. Im enjoying NFSU2 even though it has crappy visuals in some regards and no damage. Some people like GT4 and that's great and overall its a good game but those aspects of it diminish its enjoyment for me

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I have V8SC2 on my PC and it is awsome, I also have NFSU2 and I hate it. Too much rice and bling bling, I just could not get into it and I found the money was hard to earn. I can't say I really gave it a fair chance as all the Rice options turned me off the game.

I also found the driving too arcade in NFSU2, this is my one and only pet hate with driving games. The best driving game for physics would have to be GP Legends, I have never felt so in touch with a car on a PC game. It was fun trying to balance the car on the edge of traction. Even though it is a 7+ yo game, they did get it right and it is still a benchmark today.

There is one certanty when it comes to games....THEY WILL ALWAYS GET BETTER.....I wonder what we will be playing in 20 years time :gooff:

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I have V8SC2 on my PC and it is awsome, I also have NFSU2 and I hate it.  Too much rice and bling bling, I just could not get into it and I found the money was hard to earn. 

Cheat. That's what I do. I can't be arsed playing the game properly. I want all the fast cars now. There are usually lots of save game hacks or trainers on the net for PC games... :lol:

Current ride is a GTO (American version of the Clubby). With turbo installed and all else 0-100 in 2.8 seconds. No traction off the mark and sounds like a bloody roaring 8 should. :gooff:

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Steve (Geeseman),

I have most driving games and they all have their faults and advantages.

My all time fav was interstate 76, where you could mod your car with performance bits and GUNS.  Not only could you drive quick, you could shoot at other cars.....now that what I call a driving game.

I76, now wasn't that an awesome game. I only ever had the demo (days before Sharezza) but that Orange Charger thing used to hammer...Soooo much fun running down a Porsche at 120Mph with a 50 Cal Browning :gooff:

Ohhhhh, nostalgia trip....I'm off to get that right now :gooff:

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Geeseman, it is obvious we have to agree to disagree. I see what you are saying but really. You are being abit hard on the game... None the less I and alot of people love it. So they must be doing something right.

V8 Supercars 2 is a fun game but very far from a simulator, I'm sorry. The speeds at which you corner at are sometimes abit extreme and like I said before shouldnt a simulator be close to the real thing? At Bathurst I can steer the V8 Supercar around it some 30seconds or more quicker then a real V8 Supercar can lap it in. My top speed down con rod is 335km/h way higher then actual Supercar. Dont play the V82 multicar crap etc. You know GT4 has alot more detail and features, I dont see no mirrors to see whats behind me until I push the rear view button and lose sight of everything happening in front of me etc... I love when playing V82 around the mountain and parts of the car dissapear into the road surface... great physics engine there... Wouldnt the front bumper snap off?

Every game has its downs, we all need to just enjoy whats offered and all hope the more racing and driving games coming to market helps push companies to make even better games. There is absolutley no market PS2 can no compete with Xbox in processor speed. maybe with Xbox giving Sony the wake up call the PS3 will really allow polyphony to go all out and other makers with PS3 and Xbox 2 games.

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Back on topic boys.

My 9 year old was on the GT4 site and said come and look at this dad.

Eat V8 and Deano you need to pick up your game.

My fastest time is over 10 minutes with a Suzuki mighty boy. :gooff:

I have posted images from the UK

I need to pratice more but no time.



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Back on topic boys.

My 9 year old was on the GT4 site and said come and look at this dad.

Eat V8 and Deano you need to pick up your game.

My fastest time is over 10 minutes with a Suzuki mighty boy. :spoton:

I have posted images from the UK

I need to pratice more but no time.



That CLK race car is pretty quick. I have one in my garage. My fastest time around the ring is still 4'53 in the F1 car... boy is it an animal.

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