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Phoenix Is Back!


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Well as a few of the Vic guys know, Phoenix has been on development camp over the past couple of weeks.

It will have come as a surprise to some people that were aware, I was removing the piggyback unit originally to return the car back to stock. I was doing this in order to have ford rectify some problems that I have had with the car for sometime. This meant that the car would have gone for engineering assessment to find out what was happening with the diff. Being that this has been an ongoing problem my best option was to return the car to stock, so Ford could not take the easy option of blaming my mods rather than assessing the actual issue at hand.

Anyway with that aside, Rob from Horse Power Factory (Amberley Autos) heard about some problems that I was experiencing with the factory PCM, that Ford had made attempts to fix but could not seem to rectify. With that he tested my car and asked me to give him the chance to learn the new software he had in which he believed would fix my problem.

With Horse Power Factory taking delivery of the new edit software it gave both Rob and myself the chance to benefit from my car being the first one to be tuned. Amberleys needed a guineepig car to trial and also build up some platform software, and I needed a solution to issues that Ford could not seem to rectify plus any additional benefits that this new software could provide for Phoenix.

Our goal was not to achieve outright peak power but more so to build ontop of the previous results I had achieved with my piggyback unit. This meant getting maximum power and torque through the whole range rather than just a peak power point at optimum revs.

The other goal was to make the car smoother in it's delivery and improve on fuel economy and remove the niggling factory PCM issues I had been having.

The work that HPF have done is amazing to say the least. A lot of members on the forum always make the quote that it does not matter what modded platform you are running "It's all about the tuner" and this could be no more from the truth.

I am very pedantic and a bit of a perfectionist, so it was refreshing to see when I turned up to see what was happening with Phoenix, Rob turned to me and said that "it's ready to go, but you cannot have it as I am not totally happy with the result yet", most customers would probably be not impressed but I quietly smiled as I had found someone that wanted to make sure I left with a car that was 100%.

My opinion in relation to custom tuning of the edit remains, and I know others do not agree, however my personal opinion is that what I have seen had to be done even from a base perspective, represents that if you are going to go to the trouble of spending $1295 odd bucks on an edit you must have it custom tuned. The variances in these cars are so that you just cannot afford to take risks for the long term.

The results from HPF speak for themselves. Leaving the existing a/f ratios and boost parameters, we just changed cam and timing settings got us an additional 20+rwkw. Overall as you will see from the comparison graphs posted below we have gained power across the whole range and as you will see the graph line is particularly smooth. This was partly achieved by taking out the restrictions that the factory pcm puts in when it retards the timing to compensate for over and above parameters.

The rest of the stuff is far too technical for me, but to say the custom tune has changed the car is an understatement. It's driveability around town is awesome, it is extremely smooth, yet power is on tap immediately.

As those who know me are aware I am a no bullsh*t type of guy, I am very impressed with the product, but I would stress my opinion of a custom tune.

I was not aiming for peak power but more beefier power across the range. My request was to not go over 300rwkw as I want to try to limit damage the the weakest link which is the gearbox. The car has dialed up over 310rwkw so anything is possible, we just sometimes have to put common sense in front of our passion for more power.

The work that has been done on Phoenix will be the starting point and benchmark for everyone else who has their work done through Amberley's, and from the results and the effort that has gone into Phoenix, you guys will only continue to better and benefit from my results.

As some were also aware we had stumbled across an issue with boost spiking due to aftermarket components and factory componenets combined, such as exhaust and Axuator. After a lot of follow up work by Martin and his crew we have seen this problem resolved with a form of duty cycle table. This problem would only exist for modded T’s without factory exhausts. However this is a direct representation of why Horse power factory and myself agreed to go down this development path, to ensure everything was ironed out before other customers came on board.

I know of 3 odd guys that are ready to go with HPF as soon as this testing was completed, so I will be interested to hear their results. The other guy who will use my final tune as a base platform, good luck I think you will see some very interesting gains achieved with the same settings you have now!

I have attached all the graphs so people can analyse and draw their own conclusions.

Time to get it down to Calder and hose some LS1's!!!!

Long live the power of the T. :ermm:


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Well done JB welcome to the 300+ club. As long as your happy its a job well done...

make your dyno sheet smaller so its easier to read your post...


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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Very good result for the Edit.

Is this the first Edit vs Unichip dyno comparison?

If so, very conclusive, and not unexpected.


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  • fordxr5turbodotcom
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it's scary to think the car would keep pulling harder up until 170kmph :ermm:

So that's with stock intercooler at the moment? Is it sustainable or as per your other thread, are you looking to use the IC to simply stabilise the current tune?

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it's scary to think the car would keep pulling harder up until 170kmph :ermm:

So that's with stock intercooler at the moment? Is it sustainable or as per your other thread, are you looking to use the IC to simply stabilise the current tune?

Yeah stock intercooler Miyagi however you can see on the graph that it flattens out breifly at 280rwkw. This is the intercooler starting to struggle with the output.

I would not recommend going on with this power for too long with the stock intercooler, its obvious when I drive the car that after a few spirited goes it really starts to struggle. So yes I am getting a better cooler to stabilise the current tune.

From what I have learnt I would say the intercooler needs to be upgraded from 280rwkw onwards and I would say 300rwkw is it's maximum limit. :o

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