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Bit of history: I signed up on the forums after some guy (I'm guesing the owner of the forum) posted a message on *notallowed* advertising this site. There was a huge rush of new T websites and forums when the BA was released. This one stood out and has stuck...

IMO has the best set up of any forums too. good colour scheme, no crap everywhere.

I've been following the talk for the two years, but more so the last 6 months until I could actually join in had have an opinion without looking like "some kid" .

I had an EF futura - what a change!!!

enough bable... see you round sometime!


P.S bloke next door's got an integra type S. Go kart handling - but.... doesnt do it for me... T is the gem of a ford crown I think.

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Guest PSIXR6
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Hi all,

Being a 22 y/o, insurance is a real expensive exercise. 2700 p/a with RACV rating 2.

If your in the braeside / moorabbin area I might see you round.



it feels a bit stupid welcoming you  :wub: so I'll just say congrats on the car :blink: . I picked up my brand new xr6t (mandarin) last august. 23 years old and paying $2050 through NRMA. enjoy the car :wub:


Hey Matty,

Welcome. Just a comment on the insurance. Why so much, have you had claims or anything like that in the past, bad driving history :wub: (not being a smartass)

Im also 22, turning 23 in June and insured with RACV for $1600 on a rating 2. This is my first insurance rating aswell. Same with Drcook NRMA - RIPOFF.

I was quoted $2200 with Justcars, so it was RACV for me :blink:

Im in norther suburbs, near Broady :spit:


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  • Member For: 22y 4m 22d
Hi all,

Being a 22 y/o, insurance is a real expensive exercise. 2700 p/a with RACV rating 2.

If your in the braeside / moorabbin area I might see you round.



it feels a bit stupid welcoming you  :msm: so I'll just say congrats on the car :spoton: . I picked up my brand new xr6t (mandarin) last august. 23 years old and paying $2050 through NRMA. enjoy the car :msm:


Hey Matty,

Welcome. Just a comment on the insurance. Why so much, have you had claims or anything like that in the past, bad driving history :w00t2: (not being a smartass)

Im also 22, turning 23 in June and insured with RACV for $1600 on a rating 2. This is my first insurance rating aswell. Same with Drcook NRMA - RIPOFF.

I was quoted $2200 with Justcars, so it was RACV for me :spoton:

Im in norther suburbs, near Broady :sofa:



Yeah, I had an at fault claim when I was 18 :sofa:

Too young.....

But they still gave me raiting 2? eh.

None the less, its a tax ride off for the business. :)

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1200 mk2 xr8 ute 21 yr old rating 2 1 loss of license. had a claim last year before I bought ute so next year will go up to about 1500 so I've been warned. RACQ Brisbane Bayside suburb

ohh and love the colour.

Edited by XR6PSI
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  • Flower Power
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As the only member who has been here longer than you (by half an hour from memory) :w00t2:

Congrats on the purchase and hope you have many happy motoring experiences a head :w00t2:


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