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Herrod Stealth Or C.a.p.a. Flash

Gary Crawley

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Interesting information, hingston

Where are you from?

In sydney I believe the optimax has been iffy for a while. BP, I thought, was a good alternative. Maybe not :w00t2:

Yeah from a Vic perspective alot of the modded guys have gone from the Optimax to BP ultimate. We believe as a group that they have changed something with the optimax as my car now pings on it when it was originally tuned to Optimax.

When it runs ultmate it's fine, also get less soot at the back of the car. :spoton:

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Yeah from a Vic perspective alot of the modded guys have gone from the Optimax to BP ultimate. We believe as a group that they have changed something with the optimax as my car now pings on it when it was originally tuned to Optimax.

When it runs ultmate it's fine, also get less soot at the back of the car. :spoton:

Sorry to sidetrack folks :w00t2:

Well, I had the same problem and now run mobil, although I had that detonate on me a month or so ago. Never had much problems on BP but I havent dynoed it on BP either to see if there is a loss in power. Lots of black crap out the exhaust with the Synergy 8000 though :w00t2:

Maybe the car is running too rich

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Yeah from a Vic perspective alot of the modded guys have gone from the Optimax to BP ultimate. We believe as a group that they have changed something with the optimax as my car now pings on it when it was originally tuned to Optimax.

When it runs ultmate it's fine, also get less soot at the back of the car. :thumbsup:


Sorry to sidetrack folks :blush:

Well, I had the same problem and now run mobil, although I had that detonate on me a month or so ago. Never had much problems on BP but I havent dynoed it on BP either to see if there is a loss in power. Lots of black crap out the exhaust with the Synergy 8000 though :nono:

Maybe the car is running too rich


Id say that black stuff is from the Synergy petrol. I read here somewhere that Mobil use something, that will leave a black residue on your exhaust tip, where BP dont. Something about high and low fuels? :ermm:

If I was any good at moderating id track down the topic, and link, but because im fat and lazy.......

Back on topic! :spoton:

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I have had the Herrod unit for a couple of months now and leave it on the 10psi map all the time.  The auto is holding up fine (touch wood).  No regapping plugs fiddling with the car it ran fine from day 1.

I run Optimax in the car exclusivley.  However a couple of weeks ago I could not get Optimax and used BP Ulimate.  I then started to have trouble on WOT at high revs and boost. - Back to the optimax - all ok again.  My uneducated guess is that on the 10psi map the injectors are max'ed out and you need everything from your fuel to keep it under control.

At $1300 you don't get much to hold in you hand but you try getting an extra 50 od RWKW out of anything else and you will be paying 4 times the amount.  Besides SWMBO cant see a thing on the car.

Never needed a custom tune hingston? The Herrod unit was just plug and play?

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Well while I am using optimax (in Melb) it seems ok.

The Car has never been on the dyno ever. It was truly plug an go go go !!!

Mind you the other day I thought it was down a bit on power that's why I tried the Ulitmate and noticed it got worse.

My doubts where disapated when I had a mate in car and he said it was great as ususal. It was just me getting used to the power level. I am trying desperately not to hop on the GIVE ME MORE POWER roundabout, where there is alway just one more mod.

Might give the Mobil a go. But maybe the Optimax is the sweet spot for the standard stealth 10psi map in my car.

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