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The Happy Place


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"No intelligent people smoke"

Most truthful thing said on here for years

Cripes, looks like I will have to subvert my raging intellect :msm:

Well that will take all of 12.7 seconds

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  • Flaccid Member
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Great to have you back Vik.

I am being a good boy and I agree that ex smokers are the most anti smoking.

I want to a motivational lunch and the last thing the guy said was "No intelligent people smoke"

Sorta drove the message home.

been a non smoker for ~8 months now but I don't mind if others smoke around me at all. I still miss them, specially after a good feed.

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12 Stiches in my right hand today where a pretty bad skin cancer used to live. Makes typing a bit hard, but at least its gone!

BTW Chris you have a lot of mates on this site and a Typhoon.....

If your clutch has not needed to be replaced then theres some good news!

We often think we have nothing good to say or feel we have nothing good happening in our lives. Well we could have all been in Indonesia at Christmas....

Chris you work at the Coke factory! Every persons dream!



Gee dally 12 stiches,good to see they got jack the dancer in time :msm:

Well you drive that bm of yours carefully now ya hear!!!

vik...funny that,most folks on here drive a Ford Turbo!!!

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  • Bionic Bealie
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"Everybody smiles in a Pixifoto, the mums and the dads and the kids...."

Had Pixifoto family portrait session with my Mrs and 3 kids (5, 3, baby) this morning. Actually wasn't too bad and they all behaved themselves.

Baby shat herself just before the shoot and her nappy had a blow out, getting yellow baby poo on her clothes, but that was soon sorted!

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"Everybody smiles in a Pixifoto, the mums and the dads and the kids...."

Had Pixifoto family portrait session with my Mrs and 3 kids (5, 3, baby) this morning.  Actually wasn't too bad and they all behaved themselves.

Baby shat herself just before the shoot and her nappy had a blow out, getting yellow baby poo on her clothes, but that was soon sorted!


Glad you shared that little moment with us Ricki

vik...NOTTT :stirthepot::laughing::spoton: nothing worse than a blowout

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  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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Great news.

The money sucking Villa at the Coast has finally been sold. Settlement is only 21 days so there's e a bucketload of packing to do. Were :spoton: 'ing ourselves as 2 perfect homes we had our eye on only went this morning, lucky there was one in Forest Lake that was comfortable enough, only a small 3 bedder but it's well looked after and the lounge and family rooms are quite roomy. Very noice score for only $250,000. Another stroke of luck was that the sellers were happy not only to drop to our offer but also agreed on a 21 day settlement as well. AWESOME. Brisbane, I'm back as I don't like the Coast one single bit. Another plus, a 98km one way trip to work is back to a small 20 min drive!!!!!!!!!! Every convenience is only a small drive away and if I want to go into the city, just zip down the Centenery Motorway.

:spoton: x 100,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also I'll be back on a cable connection.........Not "QOS.com.au/throttled&portblockedDSL" :spoton: Cheap but nasty :wtf: . Mmmmm..... :spoton: Another bonus.

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Great news.

The money sucking Villa at the Coast has finally been sold.  Settlement is only 21 days so there's e a bucketload of packing to do.  Were  :wtf: 'ing ourselves as 2 perfect homes we had our eye on only went this morning, lucky there was one in Forest Lake that was comfortable enough, only a small 3 bedder but it's well looked after and the lounge and family rooms are quite roomy.  Very noice score for only $250,000.  Another stroke of luck was that the sellers were happy not only to drop to our offer but also agreed on a 21 day settlement as well.  AWESOME.  Brisbane, I'm back as I don't like the Coast one single bit.  Another plus, a 98km one way trip to work is back to a small 20 min drive!!!!!!!!!!  Every convenience is only a small drive away and if I want to go into the city, just zip down the Centenery Motorway.

:blink: x 100,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also I'll be back on a cable connection.........Not "QOS.com.au/throttled&portblockedDSL"  :spoton: Cheap but nasty :wtf: .  Mmmmm..... :blink: Another bonus.

welcome back to brissie.... forest lake ha?? well youre about a 3 minute drive from FIST.... now you have no more excuses not to get that heavy arsed yoot of your edited :innocent:

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  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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Hey welcome to Forest Lake mate. We will have to catch up for a few beers when you get here. Which village is your new place in??


Hi Greg, I think "think" it's "Homestead". It's in Clarendon Circuit. About 100 metres up the road from the original one that fell through. We will be moving in on December 16th.

Hahaha, Yes jetute, true.....lol. With the money I save in fuel, I'll put aside for the "Mod Mandy" fund :innocent::blink: I promise :spoton: CTP claim has not gone through as expected and is re-submitted but oh well, it's "The Happy Place" so no more mention of that.

YAY!!! :blink:

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