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My97 Rex Vs. Me


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hmmmm, very interesting...

maybe I should sell up and buy a REX...



If you want a larger car with more effortless torque keep the Ford.

At this stage the Ford gives better bang for bucks in the mods department.

Note: my cars are all manuals: the Ford autos go better in a straight line than the autos.


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  • Member For: 21y 27d
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hmmmm, very interesting...

maybe I should sell up and buy a REX...



I've owned both, I sold my modified MY99 WRX for the XR6T because I wanted an effortless cruiser with loads of torque and easy driveability. The Rex was loads of fun, brilliant around corners, in the wet, in the dirt etc etc but demanded more concentration and involvement than suited my lifestyle so I bought the T. In fact I just sold my last T a few days ago, picking up a new mkii on Fri. I wish I could have two cars though, my T for a daily driver, and something like a STi or Evo for weekend fun.

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  • Member For: 22y 3m 6d
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I hope you haven't succumbed to the 'I own an xr6t and they be teh fastest car on the planet syndrome'??

The earlier models came with a bigger turb - tdo5 I think.. and got down an boogied...

They weren't bfyb champ and so damn popular because they be a slow car..

don't buy into the auto v manual arguement... My personal belief that rolling start, you would peg an auto..


Bugger, I think I have succumbed to that syndrome. :thumbsup:

Geea. :w00t2:


lol so have I :lol:

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Well I wouldnt be be suprised. 97-98 Rex's are super quick I had a Motor mag that clocked a 13.8 (98)

There are some stock Auto T's that have done this but no manuals as far as im aware.

On another note it all comes down to the driver with a rex. If they launch at 5500rpm then they will do areound 13.8 - 14.0.

The T is not a supercar by any means in stock trim, but mod them and you have a winner that will out bang for buck almost any car that is new and in it price range.

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  • Member For: 22y 3m 6d
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When my car was new and stock I had a few runs with rexes and they beat me by a little like about a car length. But since phase II no rex has beaten me and now that I have phase III I don't know if they are trying cause they are that far behind me.

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