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Email From Bigpond


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I have always been a fan of Telsta...ok I hate Vodafone, Optus and Orange with a passion :spoton: and have Bigpond Dialup at home for private use as well as broadband for work.

Imagine my amusment when I saw this email they sent us.

What the hell is the point of having email if you can't use it to send P0RN?

And how do they define what is offensive, do they now inspect every single email I send/recieve?

Fair enough if they block illegal content like child p0rn etc but there is plenty of offencive material I can buy over the counter here in the ACT that I should also be able to email to my Nana should I so desire... :w00t2:

Dear BigPond Member,

You may have heard that BigPond has undertaken a review of its customer agreements to identify and address any terms that are affected by recent legislation.

BigPond has completed its review of its Dial-up Member Agreement and is pleased to announce that changes have been made to improve the terms that apply to your dial-up service...

....blah blah..... 

we have amended the Agreement so that we can delete any emails stored in your deleted, spam or outbox folders after 7 days.....

...blah blah.....

We have also clarified that customers cannot send emails other than via the BigPond SMTP server unless otherwise agreed.

we have clarified that customers are not able to use the Service to send, display, access, make available, publish, distribute or be otherwise involved in material which is obscene, defamatory or is, or would be regarded by us,  acting reasonably, as, in all the circumstances, offensive.

we will now give you 30 days prior notice of any changes to the Agreement

that mean you will be materially worse off and you will be able to cancel

your Service if you do not agree to the change.

we can suspend services for maintenance purposes, and we've introduced

a new Regulatory Event Clause.

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It is aimed more to spammers than you sending a porno pic to a mate.

I own a ISP and we have the same terms in our conditions.

If you send the porn to 10,000 people they will shut you down, I would not worry too much about this letter.

P.S I am the opposite to you...I HATE Hel$tra, and like the others :spoton:

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Yeah right...I would love to see them try and sift through every single email attachment from every email sent throught their mail servers to find the porn!! Haha.

Don't worry about it, like Zap said...its just aimed at spammers..and so it should be.

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I wouldn't be too fussed. As another ISP (part)owner... we have a lot of crap like that in T&C but it's there to cover our backsides and the customers.

Essentially you've been told what measures can be taken against you as a user and on what grounds. The definitions of the terms is where the detail (and its matching devil) lies.

I doubt that personal mail anyone sends irrespective of content would ever be screened. It may be tagged and logged if your attachment is called "naked 6 year old thai sex romp.jpg" but really it's be a conservative and well resourced ISP that goes that extent. Logging crap is a biatch, it wastes space and resources.

Reviewing and managing filtering is resource hungry and expensive....

Rest easy YCL, Tel$tra just swung some more cover in front of their ample fat ar$e...


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