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Looking At Getting Around 240rwkw


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so from dutchies question I think that there is still some unanswered questions.

firstly, 300fwkw from an edit and a custom tune - is it safe?

can the auto handle this type of power?

do you need trans coolers, oils etc?

std injectors handle it?

none of these questions in my book have been answered properly and maybe they really cannot be answered because everyones car is slightly different, people drive differently etc

I want to get the edit and custom tune it and @$2000.00 a pop I do not want any other hassles with the car period, and at this stage no one can say that I will not have these problems.

my 2 C

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I think I read in a previous post somewhere from Street Tuner that the power loss from the 6 spd is something like 17%.

As a newbie and not having had anything to do with the Ford stuff, but lots to do with LS1 Edit on my old car, I went straight for the CAPA SCT tuning box. Nothing will work better than editing the factory PCM. Nothing.

My 10 psi flash gave me 51rwkw increase over the stock power level - 209rwkw vs. 260rwkw. All the while retaining stock driveability down low, and a heap of midrange to boot, with the AFR's top end staying at 12:1.

Pretty good imo.


dosnt matter weather its a 6,5,4 speed 4th is still 1to1


Agreed, however the power loss through the drivetrain may be different for the different transmission e.g. 5spd, 6spd and A4.

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Nick, maybe you can answe this one.......how much do you loose from the fly to the rear?




manual aprox 20%

auto aprox 25-30%

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I think I read in a previous post somewhere from Street Tuner that the power loss from the 6 spd is something like 17%.

As a newbie and not having had anything to do with the Ford stuff, but lots to do with LS1 Edit on my old car, I went straight for the CAPA SCT tuning box. Nothing will work better than editing the factory PCM. Nothing.

My 10 psi flash gave me 51rwkw increase over the stock power level - 209rwkw vs. 260rwkw. All the while retaining stock driveability down low, and a heap of midrange to boot, with the AFR's top end staying at 12:1.

Pretty good imo.

dosnt matter weather its a 6,5,4 speed 4th is still 1to1

Agreed, however the power loss through the drivetrain may be different for the different transmission e.g. 5spd, 6spd and A4.

I don't think an exact answer can be given. I think you can only draw an average from the results achieved, the main reason being that we are aware of the major variances that occur in each T.

Some of the guys on the forum have done the same mods And had varying results. I have seen guys with a 2nd CAI, chip get anywhere from 220rwkw - 245rwkw for the same mods. I have also seen valve springs required anywhere from 230rwkw to not needing to be changed.

I do not believe it's an exact science with these cars, you can gauge ballpark figures, but I think when it comes down to tuning you car you need to discuss with and advise your tuner what you are looking for.

From my experience it's best to air on the side of caution rather than find the limitations of your components if that is part of your concern. If you were to draw a common factor with all the mods with just a chip, 2nd cai and premium fuel you can see up to 250rwkw once again dependant on your individual T. In relation to the auto I think the general consensus would be that the auto is comfortable up to 250rwkw, then the limitations of the individual car and also as important the way you drive comes into factor.

With the EDIT no matter what is said I would get a custom tune, purely due to what I have said above. This also gives you the ability to Dial down you map to a level you are comfortable with your car. It's not always about getting the most power. The ability to adjust auto settings may also provide you with comfort of mind that you are not pushing the limit of your box.

I am not in the industry, and like to look at things in a simplistic way rather than complicating topics that are left to the experts. So as as customer off the street I see all the tuning options as follows:

Piggyback's run separate to the PCM and basically trick the signals of the PCM to gain the extra performance. Some offer multiple maps that can be run, so you can run a factory tune as well. They are all custom tuned to your car, are cheaper option than the other offerings on the market, and around $1500 have been around for a while and are proven option.

Something like an EMS runs parrallel with the factory PCM and rather than tricking it, actually controls certain functions of the factory PCM, which give you the extra performance. It is custom tuned to each car and the best way to also describe it would be halfway towards a full system like a motec.

It's around $2k installed and custom tuned.

The EDIT runs the actual factory PCM and changes most if not all paramteres of the cars settings. Basically it's like getting a different tune out of the factory for your car. It's $1295 however is not custom tuned to your car, so does not maxmise the potential of your money spent. Also taking into account the variances in each T personally I would not run it without a custom tune. However you can have a custom tune (Installed + Tune $2k approx. It also gives you parameters that the others do not as well as being able to flash back in your factory tune (if not modded).

All up there are all great options for the T, it just depends on what you are after, what you are prepared to spend, and what your overall goal for your car is. The other factors that alot of people take into account is the tuner themselves as well as customer service and backup/support.

Once again this is just my opinion of the options in a simplistic manner so a lot of the new guys looking to mod get some broader idea of what's available without getting into the technical side, that starts to confuse the main topic of what's available.

If the box is your main concern and like Luke you do not want to have to go down the path of touching it then you should not be looking for the most you can get out of the mods, but rather what is reasonable and more importantly what you are comfortable with for the long term benefit of the car. I am running 294rwkw but the car was dialed back from 310rwkw as I was not comfortable with my gearbox running that sort of power. Personally I was comfortable with around 295rwkw for long term, without wanting to find the limits of my components.

Sorry to rabble on but I hope this helps. :spoton:

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good info there jb. so going from what you have said that if I could get an adit and have it custom tuned to around say 300fwkw (which I will be more than happy with) the auto box will be able to handle it quite easily as I would request that I do not want it to be running to its limits.

in saying that, the std injectors could also be looked at and if they cannot handle 300fwkw then the tuner would be able to maybe drop it down to say 290fwkw so that the injectors will not be running @ 100% capacity.

anyone know of a good edit tuner in good ol' sydney

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good info there jb. so going from what you have said that if I could get an adit and have it custom tuned to around say 300fwkw (which I will be more than happy with) the auto box will be able to handle it quite easily as I would request that I do not want it to be running to its limits.

in saying that,  the std injectors could also be looked at and if they cannot handle 300fwkw then the tuner would be able to maybe drop it down to say 290fwkw so that the injectors will not be running @ 100% capacity.

anyone know of a good edit tuner in good ol' sydney

Personally I would say if your going to invest the money and get injectors you would want to ensure you get your money's worth performance wise.

Is it worth putting injectors for the sake of only wanting a possible 10rwkw more to reach your target?

Your tuner will be able to tune the car down if required, but if you get say 230rwkw with just a chip but you do not want to go past 240-250rwkw is it worth the say $700 for the injectors and $200 for a tune to get that extra 20rwkw?

You might be best settling for whatever you can achieve out of the standard system custom tuned and maybe adding an exhaust or something instead which will give you extra power but not the sort of increases that you could expect from injectors.

That way you can sit comfortably knowing you are not pushing the limits of your auto or other components of your car.

Just more food for thought. :blink:

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so from dutchies question I think that there is still some unanswered questions.

firstly, 300fwkw from an edit and a custom tune - is it safe?

can the auto handle this type of power?

do you need trans coolers, oils etc?

std injectors handle it?

none of these questions in my book have been answered properly and maybe they really cannot be answered because everyones car is slightly different, people drive differently etc

I want to get the edit and custom tune it and @$2000.00 a pop I do not want any other hassles with the car period, and at this stage no one can say that I will not have these problems.

my 2 C

yes 300 from a edit with injectors,valve springs,intercooler

yes the auto will if trick kit fitted or line pressure done with edit and a trans cooler is a must

and no the edit with standard injector but with the ems by dynowog

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Doublek, JB and everyone else........a great many thanks......

Fantastic comments and feedback.......exactly what I was wanting to know......

Suppose I will now sit and wait a while till more Edits are done and more results are known.....

With injectors, is this something that you can install yourself and will you require a tune after installing them??

thanks in advance again


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Doublek, JB and everyone else........a great many thanks......

Fantastic comments and feedback.......exactly what I was wanting to know......

Suppose I will now sit and wait a while till more Edits are done and more results are known.....

With injectors, is this something that you can install yourself and will you require a tune after installing them??

thanks in advance again


Whilst, you can install the injectors yourself, the car's setting will need to be updated. Otherwise, the engine will be fed too much fuel.

You can do this 1 of 2 ways. Take the car to your tuner or, buy the Quicktune software and cable which will allow you to change the tune yourself for the bigger injector size.

I think option 1 is the way to go as your tuner will optimise your maps for the new hardware, and adjust the settings for more top end power.

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