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Std Injectors Over 240 Rwkw


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I believe thfe way peter conducts him self not as a APS dealer but as a person gets under the skin of people because I have witnessed this on many a forum

Firstly, where does he bag the edit? He states that he believes the edit tune may be responsible for lean running of the engine based on his beliefs about the duty cycle of the standard injectors at certain boost levels. It's not bagging, it's stating a valid concern.

Secondly, why does it get under your skin? Could it be because you have the edit and don't like anyone saying anything against it, even if the concerns are valid?

Rember Aps have their own edit program coming out soon, so I dont think they believe the edit as a tool is bad, it just seems they are questioning its use with high boost levels on the standard injectors.

I've been on many a forum where Ive seen people attack APS because of their own insecurities rather than any valid point...

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I believe that this thread is somewhat useless unless all of the cars are tested on one type/brand of dyno, same day/environmental conditions, and with the same fuel octane, there are huge variations in power measured across the different brands of dynos. :spoton:


I believe that dyno numbers should only be used as a tuning tool to assist in a cars development. The dyno numbers combined with 1/4mile MPH will give a much more accurate indication of a cars true power.

What Peter says about different conditions is very true too. I remember one of the first dyno days at Dynomotive in Bayswater. There were a dozen or so auto T's 10 of them ran 1855-190rwkw's and mine and one other ran 201rwkw's. The only difference between the cars was that the 2 that ran 201rwkw's both used 98ron fuel whilst the rest used standard unleaded.

With my next comment I'm not trying to upset anyone. I find the 260rwkw's a bit hard to believe for edit only. An auto T with 260rwkw's should be able to run 12.8/12.9 @112mph. I hope they do and it would be great if a few of the edited cars got some times so we could get a better indication of the true value of the generic maps.

I know that a GT with the edit had a dyno sheet with 279ishRWKW's. This car managed a best of 13.8 on the night. It had all the protections removed and 500rpm extra. It ran quicker before it had the edit.

I'm not having a go at anyone or thing. I'm just making facts that I know available for everyone to have a look at and make their own judgements. HPF have the edit and at somestage will more than likely use my car to see what it can do. I'll make sure to keep everyone informed of my progress. :w00t2:

Geea. :glad:

I am trying to understand how auto T's with the edit can run 260rwkw without destroying the auto box. From numerous ones we have seen before the edit, the limitations of the auto box are approx 240-250rwkw then they either go bang or their life span is dramatically reduced to a matter of weeks/months.

My Auto is under renovations at the moment, will be ready in the morning, its life span shorterned by my useage, failure to change the oil (ford don't change it until 60,000k's) & fit a trans oil cooler to it. I don't believe the power was the drama, I feel as though my activities with 240fwkw would of killed it just as quick. Will be fitting cooler Friday morning

Scotty aka nowchangingautofluidevery10,000k's

There's probably my point there big fella. I am reffering to 240rwkw not flywheel, so you have had problems with less than that. When Geea was running BOOF he had 233rwkw I think he went up some more power and the auto went bang.

So what I am trying to understand is if those running 260rwkw have no auto problems, then it can be only two things. The edit dramatically changes the auto settings (which I do not understand how you can strengthen you auto this way) or the dyno readings are way out.




True JB,

but for little cost I think you'll find the auto's very tough & mine broke with between 255 - 279, the 240 was merely my scenario of what would of happened



Yeah I agree Scotty, If I go down the path of getting a T again, it will be an auto, even though I love driving the manual. :w00t2:

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Having the luxury to manipulate these items independently should produce far better results than the standard piggyback in my opinion and it should be very easy to understand if you look outside the box.


I'm glad you said should as currently the fastest/quickest XR6T cars in Australia run interceptors style piggy back computers, FACT. :spoton:

1) Cand V performance 10.98 APS Phase 3 Unichip computer

2) APS XR6t ute 11.35 APS Phase 3 Unichip computer

3) Geea XR6T sedan 11.6 Xede computer

4) XRdreaming ute 11.7 APS phase 3 Unichip computer



This is about to all become history and you know it or APS would not be woking on an EDIT.

Martin we dyno tested the edit tuned T for the customer, the tune was a CAPA supplied edit as far as I understand, gee the air/fuel ratios were very ugly and on the lean side of safe. :w00t2: Peter


that's how I know its a fib Pete, we shut the boost down at an achieved AFR of 12.2:1, as any edit customer will tell you. (And as any graph posted here will show you)

We dont guess it Pete, as you would know we command it with the SCT software, not guess it with the piggyback....so......post the graph, or dont bother us with the slander...ok?

I haven't told everyone about the three poorly tuned Unichip experiences I had this week which I corrected with Edit, but if you want.........I will. BUT I dont see the reason to start a war, you must have enough of your own fires to put out. So...LEAVE ME OUT...or the dyno sheets will be coming, and the cheersquad will not be pleased. Remember you fired the first shot.


This is what its going to come to soon Peter.

While your loyalty to your products is not only expected, I still admired it Peter, but don’t you really think you are taking it too far now and its time to move on?

Your piggyback loyalty along with many happy and satisfied users is becoming very tiresome and we can all see many starting to see alternatives with better and later technology and moving to it!!!

No one on this site doubts that in its day it was possibly the best???? But it is 2005 Peter I’m not sure if you’re “aware” but even APS is developing an Edit package to try and catch-up to the others to remain completive in the industry.

You know I know and 99% of others here know that times are a changing and Peter you are not doing APS any favors in my opinion by constantly beating up the old technology and as any business should be doing you should be looking ahead all the time not backwards. Even you know the minute you release a product someone is trying and will better it, it’s only a natural progression.

I’m sure that Street tuners like many others don’t want to post anything to discredit you or to make matters worse but will in time if you don’t wake up and people will start posting information to discredit you and this would be an absolute shame as you have done much for this industry in the past. You’re 280FWKW’s theory has been blown out of the water so many times now and the dyno hasn’t even taken place yet!!!!

Peter can you do yourself and the Members here a favor before all your credibility is lost and get the APS Edit in the market place by the 1st of march as you forecast so we can all move onto the same level playing field and leave the old technology behind us.

I had an Old EH Expensive Daewoo many years ago and on it I run Triple Webbers and although an absolute PIG to tune it went like the hammers of Hell Mmm maybe I should be still driving that as it would surely be as good as any new technology today I think????????? Na! it was better! I’m sure it was …..NOT!!!!!!!

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my securities are fine ..not my fauly that you are like a puppet and someone has there hand up your asss

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my securities are fine ..not my fauly that you are like a puppet and someone has there hand up your asss


Why is this necessary ... stay on topic ... you too Geeseman ... getting tired of the "mines better then yours" ... My allegence is too my Tuner ... if he didn't do APS tommorrow I would follow ... he puts most of you knobs to shame!

Just my 2c ...

Cheers, Jason.

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sorry geeseman but didn't all the pineapple stuff start over this same thing?

Not at all Nic. It was a misunderstanding on my part. I made the mistake of not knowing all I needed before modding my car, nor did I understand what I really wanted for the future. Pays to think things through before modding your car.

It also pays to sort things out in person and not on forums, which is what I discoverd.

getting tired of the "mines better then yours" ... My allegence is too my Tuner ... if he didn't do APS tommorrow I would follow ... he puts most of you knobs to shame!

No 'mine's better than yours', Jason. Think things through before posting mate.

Back to topic..

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