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Headlight Adjustment


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Hi Everyone

A bit of help is required. I had a blown bulb last week (philips crystal vision) less than a year old and after some kicking and screaming they replaced them under warranty, actually after a few questions they were most helpful, unlike Autobarn :msm: where I purchased them.

Anyhow when I put them in I wanted to raise them a little to get a slightly longer beam on the road. So I adjusted the upper of the 2 large screw levers and that seemed to work fine. I then thought I would get creative and mucked around with the lower more central of the 2 levers and it didn't do anything (that I could see).

can anyone tell me what its for and what the correct way to adjust the headlights are. Also is it possible to adjust the outside lights (H4) independantly of the inside (H7)'s??

as per usual with you mighty helpful (and knowledgable) bunch, many thanks in advance! :blush:

cheers David

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  • In Your Face
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If l remember correctly mark a line on the fence about mid thigh high and the left side of the headlight should point to its left side more than the right. The right beam should be about mid to right hand side of the beam.

I hope this helps you and not confused you as its been a long time since l did it :spoton: If your not too sure just take it to a Roadworthy Mechanic and get them to do it for you, they shouldn't charge you for it :spoton:

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