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Squeeks And Rattles

FPV 521

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I too have this noise and have had in since I got my car new, 45k ago!!

I took it to ford who said they cant fix it and it would take too long to pull the dash out and that if I make them do it, it ay induce MORE rattles :S

I took the A pillar trim off and found that to do nothing, but the sound stops if I push the dash down or in to the windscreen; the noise is worse in the cold but I have sadly gotten used to it.. used to make me furious.. I hope somebody can work this out :)

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I ordered my car with rattles as a no cost option (but I'm sure my dealer charged me extra for them!).

I'm very satisfied with the result - 5 rattles for the price of 3!

Certainly used to help trying to get my child off to sleep in the car.

Only now that I've had them for a while and have grown tired of them - my dealer won't take them back... :bum:

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Gday all,

I took the car for a drive to Dubbo and back yesterday. It creaked and rattled over every bump all the way there and back... :blink: Absolutely driving me nuts. I found this thread on fordforums http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthread.ph...attle+bolt+seam apparantly it sometimes gets confused with a tight fitting part in the engine bay? Does anyone found this to be their problem? I tried moving a few things in the engine bay near the abs unit today, but it seems to have soundproofing on the firewall. I am almost at the point where I am willing to pay big $$$ to get this thing fixed, its really :censored: me!


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  • 8 months later...
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hey guys,

I just saw this thread for the first time, and must say I was very interested to read all the issues.... I might be able to help. ( I know where your all coming from I just spent all sunday fixing a ticking noise in my centre console)


LH FIREWALL STEADY TICKING (like a relay or clock, tick, tick, tick, tick) this is the Purge Valve, letting fuel come back into the supply from the carbon canister, noise been around since at least AU and still exists on FG, just needs some foam between it and the body. its a little black plastic canister about the size of the washer bottle pump, has two or three black pipes coming from it, cant remember if it rests on the Firewall or the LH inner gaurd though. Sometimes its just noisy and needs replacing, usually it just needs to be lifted of the body with a foam pad. Although don't get too picky though cause they always make a noise when outside the car.

LH OR RH DASH (Instrument Panel) SQUEAK, TAPPING, RATTLE OR CREAK. (happens right under the vent in the top corner of the IP)

This is caused by a little screw that is quite hard to access. It is screwed upwards at both ends of the dashboard, this was an issue with the supplier and torquing screws into plastic. If you remove the end cover on the dashboard (at either A-pillar) I think you can access it. The screw is under torque and two pieces of plastic can move against each other (causing ticking, creaking or a tapping noise), sometimes only when its cold, other times only when its hot etc. the screw needs just an extra little turn, BUT they quite often they strip and the only option is a slightly bigger screw. The best way to get this fixed is to take it to the dealer and ask them to contact Ford and speak to a Squeak and Rattle technician or just ask Ford.


Their were a few issues if I remember correctly. different types of shims were fitted all PBR brakes, they all seemed to have the problem (not just Ford), there is no solution apart from getting different shims fitted at the dealer. however this is at the risk of constant preload which can cause the brakes to warp, again just ask the dealer to fix it, hopefully they can.



in my case it was the black window frame bottom, ticking under the mirror just needs a little preload (so foam under the front I think.)


My Centre Console was not as solid as a rock and creaked or made a ticking noise. the bolt behind the flap on the side of the centre console (next to the seat belt mouth was under torque. just nipped it up and wallah! the center console is now more solid than anything on the car.


really annoying, required the clutch pedal assist spring to be replaced, which I think is a big job. mine was done in the factory.


mine was changed over because it drooped down on the left hand side, which caused a rattle, new one is perfect, no droop and no rattle.


mine did this from both driver and passender front and they have both been replaced with new parts, not more rattle.


The inner gaurd was a little loose, some foam where the inner meets the outer fixed it up good.

that's all I remember for the moment. goodluck!

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for the brake issue try reversing with the handbrake on... if you get what I mean? the car shouldn't move.

As for noises I have a squeaking rubbing that I can feel and hear from the steering wheel, in ford twice now, no luck, and this is a simple one!

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Found it.

A new one to add to the list. I could hear a constant quiet rattle on the passengers side. All I had to do was move forward slightly or even turn the wheel while stationary and I could hear it. After pulling half the dash apart and still not fixing it.. I thought back to what had changed since I first heard it. The only thing I had done was open my dual port BOV. So changed it back and moved the car slightly with the bonnet still up. No Noise!

So I closed the bonnet and drove away....the noise returned.... opened the bonnet and moved....no noise... It ended up being the bonnet seal in the left hand corner was squashed casing the bonned to rattle against a tiny part of the firewall... simple really. Took hours to find. I honestly thought it was in the dash. For anyone else, check under your bonnet first before tearing your dash out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Got a new rattle that is driving me mental.

FG Ute, rattle's from around the drivers side fixed window (near where seat belt is bolted to the B pillar)

Only happens on bumps, more noticable if im going around a corner and hit a bump mid corner or any speed bump will do it.

I took off all the trims, drove around and the noise was louder.

No idea where is coming from. Took the speaker out too!

Anyone have this?

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Hey Mick

Sorry I couldn't help you with that one. Ford assumed that is what one of mine was turned out to be my blackout around the drivers door. Last I heard they were working hard on a long term fix, with little luck.

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