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Cai Gt Snorkel Or Ss Inductions


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Firstly I know this has been discussed b4 but I've been searching forums for 2 days and have not found what I am after. :crybaby:

I own an 02 BA XL 4.0L ute, and after 3 months of owning this beautiful machine I am looking into starting my mods. Money is not free flowing atm so it could slow my mods untill the funds become available. :blush:

I was thinking of wacking on a 2nd CAI the cheap way from bunnings hardware and a new filter, but after searching the forums am more confused than when I started. :glad:

Is there a big advantage of the GT cone filter compaired to the stock box? Or because it costs $557 from my local ford spares that its just not worth doing it? If I found one at a wrecker would it be an idea to grab it?

I think the SS inductions CAI system is way over priced for what it is....IS that the common thoughs of the people on here? Should I just buy the GT snorkel mouth and replace the stockie, and duck into bunnings for some 100mm flexie pipe and a couple of fittings?

I don't take my car to the drag strip or anything, so every kw doesnt really matter, but I am after beefing up my ride slowly over time. Im thinking maybe the new snorkel? and bunnings home made job. All your thoughts and experience would be greatly appreicated.

Sorry if you have done this topic b4. I couldnt find info for me.

Cheers, Matt

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The xr8 snokel into the the standard air box seems like the most cost effective way to. There's plenty of pics on here if you do a search, and even step by step instructions on what to do. The Typhoon has pretty much the identical set up to this so it carn't be that bad...Good Luck...

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The xr8 snokel into the the standard air box seems like the most cost effective way to. There's plenty of pics on here if you do a search, and even step by step instructions on what to do. The Typhoon has pretty much the identical set up to this so it carn't be that bad...Good Luck...

the xr8 snorkel is definately the way to go... buy the snorkel from your dealer and get 100mm plumbers pipe from bunnings and that's all you need :spoton: do a search and look for a member we use to have "MAINLINE 56" (could be all in one) and somewhere in his posts there is the best step by step guide I have seen on this site to date... should take you about 1 hour to do it :spoton:

total cost $70 and the results are as good as the more expensive ones.

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  • 570Nm @1800rpm
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I made a custom 2nd air intake! Same concept at the XR8 intake and it cost $38 all up!


I also purchased a bigger snorkel and K&N filter from SVO for $175. The snorkel on the N/A engines is much smaller then on the turbo engines. The SVO one is like turbo snorkel, much bigger intake all the way to the box! :spoton:

The above combo has made a noticable difference beyond 3000rpm! :msm: The DOHC 6 sounds pretty sweet at 4500rpm, but the factory exhaust note is a big gay! :nono:


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