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Dont Get Ripped


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Typhoon has got some extremely valid points in his first post. What he has stated is really common knowledge but its  good to hear it from someone who has just been in the industry.

Alot of you guys dissing him are just picking on minor details he has mentioned but it really doesn't affect the fact that a majority of dealers are trained  "waannkkeerrss"" and will try and bleed every cent out of you.

There is the odd decent one you can do business with. It is really buyer beware.

You gotta play the game but you really got to do the walk on the same dealer a number of times in order to get the pricing down then start negotiating over the phone and try to get to negotiate with the dealer principle if possible.

Typhoon, just a couple of questions, do you know what % discount is good on a new ford and also have you ever come across secret microphone setups in the salesman office which connect up to people higher in the dealership to monitor how the deal is progressing.

And to all you dishonest deallers out there, go and get phuukked.


I`m sorry I think you were thinking with your heart not your head, what Typhoon did here was provide a point of view.it doesn`t mean you are like that or that all dealers are like that. unfortunately when it comes to sales especially where commision is involved the general public can expect to be screwed and most sales people are like that. For that reason I would never sell real estate and even though I luv cars I would never sell them either.look at any survey done the most hated people are lawyer,real eastate agent and car sales people.

I have worked for a communication company where we had to recontract people 2/3 of the way through there contracts even if the new contract wasn`t as good ,hence my figures were always lower than some of my associates as I would walk if it wasn`t in my customers favour the other staff were only intrested in making a buck. I made 50k when I could have been making 80k.

Unfortunately state managers and sales staff have targets they need to meet every month and most couldn`t give a flying f^&* how there met. if you don`t like the job get out of it that's what I did( I know you like your job and obviously your concience is clean).As I cannot go out and rip people off.

AS I see Typhoons point of view doesn`t only apply to car sales but any type of sale especially when dealing with so called consultants. Oh by the way I left my job at the Telco on talking terms with my associates and state manager, who is a top guy although guess what his job was before he got into Telco, you guessed it real estate he didn`t even have to tell me I knew within 10 min of hearing him talk. I worked there for 2 years.

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I have dealt with good guys since I have been buying cars from Ford, I have heard some people who have been ripped off and my theory is this,

1. Read up on what you are looking at buying. Its good to know a bit about the car and sales people have to be on there toes if you know your stuff.

2. Dont get a blood rush to the head and impulse buy a car. I am a manager of a retail business and you will find some will take advantage if they see you getting excited and wanting to buy the car. They are there to make there business profitable but there is a line that a few cross. Have a good poker face and keep calm.

3. Always take the sales agreement home over night and read it thouroughly.

4. Anything over 10% interest is to expensive for a car that depreciates. Big dealers can do better if they want to.

5. Make sure when you agree to a payment deal that you dont have to sell the car if you buy a house or have a child, you can loose a lot of money. Make sure your financial situation will look good AFTER the purchase.

I really get annoyed sometimes when I hear people saying they have been ripped off when buying a car when these people are the ones signing the sales agreement then realising how much interest they are paying.

Negotiate hard and get the best price you can. I got my brand new GT at 6.95% and Im pretty happy with that and I wont have to give the car back if I want a new house or something.

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