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Ford Rumoured To Be Considering Suing Re Capa Edit


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If Ford can prove that capa have violated the IP of the ECU Bios in copying and changing the software they may very well have a strong case.

They were forced to release the tools because otherwise all consumers HAD to go to GM dealers for service. They were creating a monopoly of servicing for their model cars.

Diagnostic software is already available for the BA series. It only reads the ECU, and doesn't write to it.

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Whats your source Mick?

...........Any link by chance?


I dont want to disclose it at this time, other than to say they sell the flasher unit! Its a semi hard rumour. ie what it looks like is that Ford have tried the "tough guy" approach to scare certain parties off...and since that has failed are looking at the more expensive legal options.

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that's pretty much it MickQ.

In Australia (before and after FTA) you can happily sell a piece of hardware that will do what SCT/CAPA Edit does, you can also sell a piece of software for that hardware that would let someone create NEW maps or even edit existing ones.

What you can't do is SELL 3 copies of the original code/maps with a few tweaks and changes from an original base code/map.

The SCT/CAPA box has exactly that, three copies of very lightly modified Ford maps in it. We know they raise upper boost limits, they change torque tags for the auto, and trim a few target values. There'd be enough wholey Ford stuff in there to nail their backsides to the wall for all eternity.

In short the CAPA/SCT system is just as illegal as a xbox hacked to play pirate games.

LS1Edit is legal thanks to only being a tool to perform the editing task, mind you once you copy your Map and use it as a base for someone elses then you're in the shiat... It's more grey than B&W but grey enough to make it not worth the risk of looking stupid if Expensive Daewoo went to court.

I suspect APS Edit will be more like LS1 Edit.


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  • I see red
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Rumour has it that Ford are looking at taking legal action for the CAPA edit. I imagine this would be against CAPA and/or SCT for their flash product aimed at BA cars.


So how does that work while I can pop down to my local Ford dealer and get the Edit done on my car? A bit hypocritical of Ford I think. :w00t2:

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After some investigation I am quite happy to report that the there is only one day this could possibly happen on - April 1.

Nice try Mick :)

He's a few months early then! :spoton:

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  • FPV521
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All I can say is if Ford did their homework right for once and produced a car to its potential instead of detuning and all the bullsh*t it has done to protect the V8 from being slaughtered then they would not have to worry about CAPA and/or SCT for their flash product or who ever they maybe posibilly taking action against.

Maybe ford should sack the dickheads they have there and get some people in that can do the job right.



Well said :spoton: ...


Yip :spoton:

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