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Ford Rumoured To Be Considering Suing Re Capa Edit


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  • Member For: 20y 7m 24d
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All I can say is if Ford did their homework right for once and produced a car to its potential instead of detuning and all the bullsh*t it has done to protect the V8 from being slaughtered then they would not have to worry about CAPA and/or SCT for their flash product or who ever they maybe posibilly taking action against.

Maybe ford should sack the dickheads they have there and get some people in that can do the job right.


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All I can say is if Ford did their homework right for once and produced a car to its potential instead of detuning and all the bullsh*t it has done to protect the V8 from being slaughtered then they would not have to worry about CAPA and/or SCT for their flash product or who ever they maybe posibilly taking action against.

Maybe ford should sack the dickheads they have there and get some people in that can do the job right.


Well said :spoton: ...

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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I can't understand why FOMCO would want to protect their precious V8, it was them who ( unwillingly ) brought back the dinosour from distinction.....

Yes, it was a public outcry to bring it back, probably to help keep up the pace with GM, but with the T6, hell, they don't need to bother with the hulk....

FOMOCO should knowingly make the T and it's hybrids faster, more powerfull than the V8, and sales would shift. Yes, the die hard ape will still want pushrods for breakfast with his can of VB, but heck, if they loose some sales to GM in the process, they might just score some back in the process..........

On another attack, maybe they are worried it will take sales from their premium FPV fleet, with ppl spending $1300 on an edited XR, instead of +$10k for a luxo barge.

ppl have been winding boost up on turbo cars since psi was a child, an aint no-one gonna stop anyone from achieving cheap power..

Maybe it just means we'll have to buy our edits from the States??

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Sounds like Ford won't have any legal grounds to sue CAPA. GM in the US was forced to release it's TIS software and diagnostic tools to all interested parties as their federal court ruled that GM had a monopoly on it's servicing tools.

If it was true why haven't Expensive Daewoo gone after the folk who released LS1 Edit?

Looks like it just a rumour.

Exactly. Lets be realistic here, the market for any edit in Australia is small. There is a sh*t load more cars on the road than represented in these forums, let alone the ones that even care to modify, let alone the ones that will narrow their ECU choice to the edit product!

If Ford hasn’t done anything in America, I can't see them bothering here!

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 11d
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I remember hearing that Expensive Daewoo tried to sue whoever came up with the LS1 Edit but found no way of winning. The same thing will happen with Ford, they might want to stop it but won't have a leg to stand on.

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 15d
I remember hearing that Expensive Daewoo tried to sue whoever came up with the LS1 Edit but found no way of winning. The same thing will happen with Ford, they might want to stop it but won't have a leg to stand on.


that's because Aussie laws didnt make reverse engineering illegal back then. Assuming that's how LS1 Edit was created. Things have changed and will continue to change until mid this year when the FTA with the US comes into full play.

LS1 Edit may be a true editor: ie it just changes some parameters. that's legal.

What isnt legal is to use the comapnies software, rip it to bits to see how they make it work, then whack it back together with a few minor changes and sell it as your own.

That is why Ford MAY have a leg to stand on. It really mostly depends on the method which SCT used to do their work (ie was it reverse engineered), and also whether the

upload software (8 and 10psi map) is a put-back-together reverse engineered Ford product - or whether its simply a hex-edit of the ford code.

The former is illegal, the latter is likely legal.

Edited by mickq
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  • Member For: 21y 10m 15d
Well they have to show some concern one would think?

They can add software and hardware to the current ECM/PCM’s to track who what when and how, its just to date they have had no need to but expect it to change soon enough.



Not quite so easy. That will cost a fair bit of $$$. You think they will retrofit new electronic hardware to EVERY BA series car in Australia? I doubt it...not unless BA Edit became a HUGE problem.

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 15d
Sounds like Ford won't have any legal grounds to sue CAPA. GM in the US was forced to release it's TIS software and diagnostic tools to all interested parties as their federal court ruled that GM had a monopoly on it's servicing tools.

Looks like it just a rumour.


that's a totally different problem. That was GM causing restriction of trade and creating a monopoly. that's why it was illegal.

They were forced to release the tools because otherwise all consumers HAD to go to GM dealers for service. They were creating a monopoly of servicing for their model cars.

It didnt have anything to do with their ECU software, which I can assure you they would not release. They might release the tools to read error codes and make nomrla servicing-related tweaks, but they certainly didnt make the ECU code itself freely available. Not even dealers would have that...only a hard core team of programmers at GM would have access to it.

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