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Ford Rumoured To Be Considering Suing Re Capa Edit


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Rumour has it that Ford are looking at taking legal action for the CAPA edit. I imagine this would be against CAPA and/or SCT for their flash product aimed at BA cars.

As the concept and its use is not illegal, I imagine the angle is that the Ford software was reverse engineered. This probably wouldnt have meant much here except recently parts of the Free Trade Agreement with the US means Australia has changes to some of its software laws that bring it in line with the US. (Where reverse engineering is generally illegal). Ford would no doubt take the angle that their intellectual property rights for the standard ECU software had been violated by CAPA/SCT who reverse engineered it and then released a product based on that Ford intellectual property.

Obviously their main concern is that people are using it and the effect it may have on warrantee claims! Makes me think its not detectable when you reflash back to standard, and the best way for Ford to stop it is by stopping sales.

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Do you guys think the aps version is worth waiting for??

I understand APS will have more maps available for about $995. If that is correct, it sounds like the best value. If I do an edit, it will likely be the APS edit.

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forgive my ignorance but is the aps edit same principal as say CAPA. portable black box that flashes new settings to ecu??

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  • F6+300+
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Well they have to show some concern one would think?

They can add software and hardware to the current ECM/PCM’s to track who what when and how, its just to date they have had no need to but expect it to change soon enough.


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Sounds like Ford won't have any legal grounds to sue CAPA. GM in the US was forced to release it's TIS software and diagnostic tools to all interested parties as their federal court ruled that GM had a monopoly on it's servicing tools.

If it was true why haven't Expensive Daewoo gone after the folk who released LS1 Edit?

Looks like it just a rumour.

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Rumour has it that Ford are looking at taking legal action for the CAPA edit. I imagine this would be against CAPA and/or SCT for their flash product aimed at BA cars.

As the concept and its use is not illegal, I imagine the angle is that the Ford software was reverse engineered. This probably wouldnt have meant much here except recently parts of the Free Trade Agreement with the US means Australia has changes to some of its software laws that bring it in line with the US. (Where reverse engineering is generally illegal). Ford would no doubt take the angle that their intellectual property rights for the standard ECU software had been violated by CAPA/SCT who reverse engineered it and then released a product based on that Ford intellectual property.

Obviously their main concern is that people are using it and the effect it may have on warrantee claims! Makes me think its not detectable when you reflash back to standard, and the best way for Ford to stop it is by stopping sales.

Whats your source Mick?

...........Any link by chance?

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