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F6 Test Drive Last Saturday.

Guest menace

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Guest menace
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Hi all, got to go for a drive in one of these jobbies on sat arvo, Im extreamly impressed with the appearance of the car, the blue is horn and im in love with the seats, some of the trim is a bit crap ie: some of the plastics were poor fitting and still have casting dags, the door trims are bland and boring, although the dash was cool and the radio and D/Z climate where better than what im used to.

The test drive: after being bombarded with negatives I was not expecting alot, I was impressed with its mid range surge and its ability to offer power for over taking even in 5th gear at below 2000 rpm. The fact is I was not test driving the car to judge power as I have zero intentions of leaving it std, moreover I was interested in the gearbox, its shift, its clutch, the chassis and the suspension.

The car is extreamly comfortable, more comfortable than my 03 CV8 Monaro by a mile and more comfortable than any other Expensive Daewoo ive driven or owned, the steering felt great, the brakes were satisfactory (again of no intrest as they will be chucked within hours of ownership), the suspension was a joy, the car felt smooth and soaked up any bump or hole, it supported the car well and it felt like the car was using all four wheels to navigate the corners, not just the outside two like the "other" offerings. The car actually felt about 300 kg's lighter than it is.

The traction this thing's got was even more surprising, the "real" indepedant suspension in these things really works, it just hooked up and sank our eye balls back... it was good fun. We began to try to get the arse end out, it became a challange!

I re-read the Motor mag article when I got home, I thought to myself if this thing only had another 30 or 40 kw's im sure the outcome would be way differant.

Im content in knowing, once the mods start the chassis will still be able to cope; that something the "other" offering's cant say.

I cant wait to get mine.


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Nice to see a postive view, and from a member of the dark side...I've yet to try one, but I can't wait...and yes traction well at least when kept std is pretty impressive (XR6 T)...but I have found a way to over come this, stall her up to 2 and hold on... :pooh: ... :blush: ... :smilielol:

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I agree with everything except the need for more power. I think its more to do with power delivery. I.e. ECU re-programming.

Until you drive one its hard to explain but I feel the "urge" very early in the rev range but it seems to fall off after about 4500rpm. Mind you having said that it suits my driving habits as a daily driven vehicle.

I can see how others would find this a let down. If you change gears at or just before 5000rpm the engine is always on song. When you ring the neck out of it the last 1000 rpm seems strained and pointless. I think people need to change their driving habits to really enjoy the car in standard trim. I haven't tested it but I feel as thought he car would be just as quick over 1/4 mile of you changed gears earlier in the rev range and use the torque between 2000-4500 rpm.

Just my 2 c worth.

Still can't get the smile off my face :spoton:

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Until you drive one its hard to explain but I feel the "urge" very early in the rev range but it seems to fall off after about 4500rpm. Mind you having said that it suits my driving habits as a daily driven vehicle.


Allow me to explain the "hard to explain" bit. I have explained this comprehensively in a number of Typhoon threads around here, but to keep it simple...FPV run an ultra conservative tune so that the torque curve falls off a cliff at 4250RPM while having a bigger intercooler with standard injectors. Simply not good enough FPV. :w00t2:

Good car...a tweaked XR6T, though FPV hyped it as a very special car. :w00t2:

Let APS finish the job that FPV started to free the top-end for you and while they are at it, they can give the bottom-end and mid-range more urge too. :w00t2:

Safe and happy driving...Dr Z. :w00t2:

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Good review Menace, have you driven a standard XR6T? Would be interested to see your opinions on that.

Seems a bit of a waste for you to buy a Typhoon when you are going to pull half the bits off and replace them though...you could do that with an XR6T and have change left over to pay for your mods.

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Until you drive one its hard to explain but I feel the "urge" very early in the rev range but it seems to fall off after about 4500rpm. Mind you having said that it suits my driving habits as a daily driven vehicle.


This seem's to be the same way the SCT EDIT is setup low to mid range pwr is very good and the power come's on a lot earlier than a std or a APS 1 car that I've owned or been in but once 4500 rpm comes it drops straight back to the std boost I have 1/4 mile time card and dyno sheet's to prove this so what im saying is which I completely understand is that ford like the Edit have tuned the cars this way to protect the std injectors from running out of duty cycle and detonating your motor,Change the injectors and retune to maintain the boost throughout the rev range and watch the pwr increase and 1/4 mile time's come down

CYA JEFF :w00t2:

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Guest menace
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Good review Menace, have you driven a standard XR6T? Would be interested to see your opinions on that.

Seems a bit of a waste for you to buy a Typhoon when you are going to pull half the bits off and replace them though...you could do that with an XR6T and have change left over to pay for your mods.


Yeah, customers cars but ive not had a chance to treat them like a dealer test drive, the salesman was very very quite.

I actually quite like the stock XR6T, my choice to buy a F6 was driven by a few reasons:

1/ they look so damn hot

2/ A highly modded XR6T is quite the norm, a highly modded F6 is not.

3/ If the additional mods FPV do to the car (ie clutch :spoton: , engine mods etc) hang together the 11k differance in price will be bridged a fare way.

4/ they look so damn hot

5/ I've taken it on my sholders to lift the image of this car, I will not be beaten by a HSV GTS, nor a clubsport, on the track and on the road.

Its just about having fun, its just alot funnier when I win.



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How can a thread about menace's drive of a typhoon turn into a this mod is better than that one.

Time to take in the bigger picture here each and every xr6t and for that matter typhoon will give different resualts as they are modded.

So comparing on brand of mod to another is not doing the mod or the car justice.

Having not driven a typhoon yet I can not comment on the power delivery except to say this appears to be the case that the power drops off sharply at the top end when run beside a standard t on the road.

The typhoon gets the jump but the t pulls back some of the ground in the top end.

Its time to get this back on track and stop the bullsh*t of this mod is better than this one.


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