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Fpv, Where Is This F6 Typhoon?

Dr Z

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The most dissapointing aspect of the Typhoon is that the XR6T is so easy to turn in to the HSV beater we all desire it is easily achevable, more so for a company like FPV than the individuals on this forum.

There is no reason to continue hiding behind HSV Ford really need to stand up be counted and create the performance cars that the BA chasis has the ability to support!

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When are the non F6 owners going to get off their high horses (keyboards) and pull their heads from their :nono: and get a grip?? :nono:

Forget what the FPV website says - its written by marketing people who are about as trustworthy as politicians. :blink: Remember the old addage: Believe nothing you hear and only half what you see and then you will find you won't be as surprised or dissapointed in life.

Lets look at some facts for a change and not the crap some have put forward. The F6 has 'allegedly' 270kw and yet everyone is surprised that on a dyno it has about 20rwkw less than a GT/GTP! Well who f-íng thought it would do better than a GT anyway??? The GT/GTP has 20fwkw more than an F6 so its hardly going to out perform a GT/GTP on a dyno is it?? :blink:

From what many have said they expected the F6 for be some God given mythical weapon passed down to the Ford/FPV faithfull to slay the dark beast - HSV :spit:

Lets look at facts. The XR6T is one of the world best performance cars for the money - that's a given. They dyno better than their claimed 240fwkw so the comparison to the F6 is not necessarily a flattering one for the F6 as they do seems to dyno under the claimed 270fwkw, but, not one well run-in F6 has been dyno'd yet. So are some suffering premature slagoff syndrome? Time will tell.

Another fact. The F6 is not a drag car. Full stop. They are heavy and they suffer from axel tramp. Torque on a drag strip means little - its all about power to weight, and the F6 has a sh1t load of the latter. If you want a quick 1/4 mile car go mod something lighter :msm:

As someone who got on the bandwagon early and have had an F6 for 6000Km and almost 2 months I can tell you it sh1ts all over my stage 1 XR6T as a package. The F6 is a magic car and no owner, Doc aside, has had too many bad words to say. Sure I've had a spray at times but much has been on the NCO's Ford fitted to most of the other cars - diff whine, gear box noises, crazy twin plate clutch etc.

Who here has spent at least 1 hour in an F6 on a good bit of road? Of those who have had that pleasure, who came away unhappy with the car?? I bet a can to case that anyone who has driven one on a good piece of road will have come away with a huge smile just as if they pumped Kylie Minogue in the :nono: The F6 is a Grand Tourer in std form. that's what FPV do! If you want it to be more mod it just like Hilly and others have and reap the rewards, just the same as you would with an XR6T.

Sure Motor slag it off for issues, and much of what they say is justified, but I think many have fallen for the marketing guys crap - hook line and sinker. It should not have had the clutch fail, the diff whine and the great gearbox growl that many Mk II cars will have, but it does and its still the best car I've owned/driven when you get it angry on a good bit of road.

I'm all for healthy debate and discussion but there seem to be a lot of armchair expert comments on a car most have never driven. Guys, get out there, drive one and then tell all the F6 not is a great car because untill you have driven one your not talking facts.

Now, in the interests on honest posts I'll fess up that I'm not satisfied with the std power - just like I was not satisfied with the std XR6T - so my car goes off to Steve at Redcliffe Dyno and Performance Friday week. (Thanks for the good oil Goldie) I'll post before and after dyno charts for all the blokes out there 'who like to watch'.

Now, can we all move on, your making me nervous about re-sale values with all the bad press :spit:

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Well said.

There were certainly many people who expected too much from the car and now it seems that are just as many who are ready to bag it... :blink:

Anway, I agree about the T with regards to its weight. Sometimes it feels like too heavy a car for city driving. Always on the brakes. Looks like a dust factory :nono:

Good luck with the mods and keep us informed :blink:

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Everyones entitled to their opinion and lets face it the standard performance figures have been, well ......dissapointing.

But I tend to agree, unless you've driven one, you're not really qualifed to comment on the whole package.

I was impressed with my test drive and build quality faults aside I'am sure the Phoon will have it's day :blink:


Edited by jordak
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Well said.

There were certainly many people who expected too much from the car and now it seems that are just as many who are ready to bag it... :nono:

Anway, I agree about the T with regards to its weight. Sometimes it feels like too heavy a car for city driving. Always on the brakes. Looks like a dust factory :blink:

Good luck with the mods and keep us informed :blink:

Geeseman, I think your right on the money. We all expected too much from the F6 and now that it does not live up to some peoples unrealistic expectations its being slagged off as a piece of crap.

Sounds more like a lot of us Ford fans have been sitting at home in the dark for too long praying for the car that would demolish HSV's off the dealer's floor down the 1/4 mile. Sorry boys, this ain't the 1/4 mile car some had hopes for but its still a much better drive than the HSV - by more than a 1/4 mile!



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At the end of the day the "Marketing Hype" is what people read and believe.

If the product does not live up tot he marketing then it is FALSE ADVERTISING and Ford should be kickjed up the arse for making big statements and not be able to back them up.

While the F6 looks the goods, it should also perform up to the expectations of the FPV buying public and I am yet to hear ANYONE happy with the performance, when compared to the T.

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Well said.

There were certainly many people who expected too much from the car and now it seems that are just as many who are ready to bag it... :nono:

Steve , should read many were, not are , as this would also include you sonny Jim :ermm: Sorry mate , but it would appear that you have joined the circus.Specialty backflips :w00t2: as you were one of the harshest critics of the phoon :blink:

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Well said.

There were certainly many people who expected too much from the car and now it seems that are just as many who are ready to bag it... :nono:

Steve , should read many were, not are , as this would also include you sonny Jim :ermm: Sorry mate , but it would appear that you have joined the circus.Specialty backflips :ermm: as you were one of the harshest critics of the phoon :ermm:



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