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Icc "system Error"


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Thought I would share this with you all to see if any one else has had a similar problem with their Interior Command Centre thingy (just another of my go-machines many problems).

On my way back from watching Team America :spit: (a must see for some pant wetting laughs), I notice the CD I was playing stated sounding way off the normal quality of the prem. audio system. I'm not sure most people would pick it up as it was quite subtle and I have expirience in music and sound engineering :huh:. I would explain it as though there was too much gain comming from the amp therefore the end sound being slightly distorted and harder to listen to.

Anywho. I stop my go-machine at the servo, start it up and hear a beep from the ICC. I look @ the screen which briefly displayed "SYSTEM ERROR" :k24t: after which it reset itself (full reset), took its time to find the loaded CD's and resumed normal function with normal sound quality.

Stepped into my now familiar service department, had a chat and they have never heard of the ICC thingys doing this before so he's apparently speaking to ford tomorrow about it. It also seems quite hard to contact the overseas manufacturers regarding this or should I say in general (can't recall their name).

Anyone else had problems with the prem audio packs (technical only lol) or ICC's?

..hope so lol :(

Also, in case it hasn't yet been mentioned, Ford have released a new patch for the resin boxes fixng rough idle issues, overboost fangdoodles :geek: and something else which escapes my memory. -> comming to a service department near you in the next few weeks. Apparently takes 3/4's hr.



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  • I see red
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Haven't heard of that problem before either. Only problem I've heard of is when some DIYers or dodgy shops try and fit mobile phone kits and drill holes where there isn't meant to be holes drilled and end up stuffing the ICC. :sleepystuff:

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  • Member For: 21y 3m 17d
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Yeah I remember reading about your cd's getting stuck while it was happening, hoping it wouldnt do that to me..

I think I might check out the amp to see if it had anything to do with it.. :thumbsup:

:lol: lol about the hole drilling

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Hi spin

interested in the new ecu flash you talk about. My idle goes all over the shop when rolling up to lights etc but evens up when I actually stop. They re-flashed it at 30k service before x-mas (that will fix it and give you better fuel economy and provide world peace!) but it didnt make any difference at all!

where did you find out about the "new" one? Is it the same as this one:




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  • Weird Member
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Mine did this when I disconnected it whilest installing mt DTV STB.

I just turned it off locked then unlocked the car, put the key in the ign and turned it to acc and the ICC was happy again, scared crap out of me for a few moments though.


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  • Wanabe mechanical engineer
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Does that when you change the battery too..... It just takes a second boot for it to auto dial in your security code (which is locked to your car). If you were to take it out and put it into another car it wouldn't work and would give you that message constantly.....

ps, scared the crap out of us too! We only took tbe battery out to allow access to under the battery (duh!).... We thought we totaly munted the thing.....

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  • Sucker
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I've noticed with the poverty pack sound you have to actually start the car after reconnecting the batterry - I can't remember exactly what it says but I think it is either 'code' or 'error'. But you can't do anything until the engine is running in any case.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Any progress with the error? I had this come up twice, both times it reset after a couple of seconds, but it makes your pucker twitch. I can hear it now " Sorry sir you've edited the PCM, that's $2500 for a new ICC, have a nice day"



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