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Taking Photos At The Cricket

Lord Cyric

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As most of you who know me should have worked out by now, not only am I a geek who owns an XR6T... but I also enjoy photography as a hobby.

Well, I've been at the SCG all of yesterday and today... enjoying the great atmosphere of this historic venue and the sport of cricket on display. I've been going to the New Years Test Match for eight years straight and have taken many photos for my personal viewing pleasure. Sitting on the fence in Bay 4 (my usual spot) is an awesome place - even better since I've recently had numerous chats with Glenn McGrath, Jason Gillespe and Brett Lee when they are fielding on the boundary near me.

Unfortunately, this afternoon I got a rude shock. Security escorted me out of the ground at 4:45pm because they got a complaint from Cricket Australia that I was using a "commercial grade" camera lense and therefore in violation of their conditions of entry. :busted1:

I'd been using my Canon EOS-300D DSLR camera with the new zoom lense I picked up in KL last month. Fantastic lense, but not even close to some of the telescopic gear that the pro-photographers at the game use. I wasn't snapping thousands of shots either, just the occasional photo during the day (I'd gotten 40-50 good pics by then).

During this episode, both myself and the SCG Security staff were very pleasant and co-operative. The security boys were a little dumbfounded about the whole thing, but they were just following instructions and I have nothing but praise for them in doing their job with great professionalism. They understood that I was just a cricket fan taking photos for my own personal collection.

Anyway, I was asked to pack my bag and escorted to the Security Office. There my bag was searched, all photos in the camera erased and my details taken for future reference. What annoys me at the moment is that:

- NOBODY could tell me what "Cricket Australia" classifies a "commercial grade" camera lense to be, even after waiting an extra half hour for a clarification...

- When my bag was inspected by security upon entering the SCG, I got told "nice camera, mate" both yesterday and today...

- There is nothing written anywhere that states what camera equipment is or is not allowed into the ground...

- I lost all my photos for today's play (including pics of Ponting's brillant 155no)... :spoton:

I completely understand that there is a commercial aspect to all this and that organisations need to protect such things. My issue is that if I have proved that I am NOT a professional photographer and I will never gain anything commercially from my hobby (I pay enough to the taxman already), then why am I being punished for having a set of good camera gear??? :spoton:

What happens now? Well, I have a few names of people at Cricket Australia that I need to talk to in order to find out what is acceptable under their "conditions of entry". In the meantime, I'll be camera-less for the remainder of the SCG Test until I get an answer.

FYI - link for Cricket Australia's Conditions of Entry


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I agree with you Phil, but you've got to look at it from their side ... you do look "shifty" ... :busted1:


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That SUX.

If they tried to delete my pictures, I would have kicked upa huge stink as they are your property. :spoton:

I think you are a very paitient person for putting up with the crap the plastic cops gave you.

I would have insisted to see the person who made the complaint and asked for full clarification of the rules and given them assurances that you will not use these images in the public domain.

They have found you guilty and punished you without any due cause.

I think you were very hard done by.....I would write a complaint to the boss of CA explaining your side of the story...never know they may appologise :lol:

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  • FPV521
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What an absoulute joke. Commercial photographer or not. I cant believe they can do that. :spoton:

I dont think they have the right to erase your photos either. Its just not right !!!

If you were taking pictures of the girl next door then fine but taking photos at the cricket???

I fail to understand the logic in throwing a guy out for that. I am just so mad :busted1: I had better shut up.

Cricket administrators every where :spoton: off and find something better to do.

I have friends who are commercial photogrphers and they will laugh when they here this.

What is the world coming to.

What will be next.?

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Not sure were to find. But you might find the info your after in the Sydney Cricket Ground Act. It covers all offences and exemption in relation to the SCG as passed by Government, including there right to search, although I find it hard to believe they can destroy the images without a court order, possible they could seize until an adjudication was made though. Hope this helps.

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  • Sucker
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What a friggin joke. At the least I would be demanding my money back.

Let us know how you get on though Phil, it would be interesting to see what comes of this so-called “protection of commercial interests”


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sh*t that's bad Phil. I don't know how handel it - if I were you I would have blown up big time to the wrong ppl :) .

Anyway, how did CA complaint to security - any written warning/letter for you from them.

If they can't provide with you with what are commercial grade lens, ie no written condition - how can they jusitify them erasing your photos and ejecting you from the seat you've bought.

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Not sure were to find. But you might find the info your after in the Sydney Cricket Ground Act. It covers all offences and exemption in relation to the SCG as passed by Government, including there right to search, although I find it hard to believe they can destroy the images without a court order, possible they could seize until an adjudication was made though. Hope this helps.


Yep, I agree. I'm pretty sure they have acted illegally and you would have a remedy against them for the loss of your photos. PLUS the damage to your personal integrity has been questioned, no actually offended, without the opportunity of defending yourself. I'd say find a clever lawyer and make the ACB sorry for what they have done to you.

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One thing I know about dealing with security folks... NEVER EVER kick up a stink on the initial encounter. It sets a bad tone for any followup discussions or interviews as you will be immediately treated as hostile by the authorities.

Since I was 100% compliant and helpful to the SCG Security personnel, they actually stood up for me when Cricket Australia were demanding that I be charged and fined. That worked in my favour as the police agreed with the local security in that it was all just plain ludicrous. :spoton:

I'll be making a few phone calls to Cricket Australia and the SCG Trust in the morning. Again, I'll be totally respectful and courteous with all concerned. I want to know what is the official guideline as it is written and if I truly crossed it. Information is what I seek because it is the most powerful tool I can use!

I'm not interested in getting lawyers involved unless I'm provoked. :blush:

BTW, those of you who are geeks and know anything about how FAT16 filesystems work will realise that I had a "recovery plan" waiting for me at home.... :spoton:

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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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I would be pretty upset that the photos were deleted, especially if the camera lens turn out to be acceptable, guilty till proven innocent. :spoton: I had a similar experience when I took a video camera to the gabba, security saw it at the gate and said nothing about it and about 20 seconds after I turned it on I had a tap on my shoulder from security, the crap thing was is that it also took still photos and they wouldnt let me use it still.


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