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Boost And The Stealth

FPV 521

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From what I recall from the Herrod demo night of "Stealth" when the 10psi map was run, boost was tappered off from 4800rpm to about 7psi.... Just to give the injectors a bit of head room. :spoton:


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you can run the 10psi on standard injectors... the two maps are for stock cars remember... I have been in a ar that runs the 10psi... feels great!!


I'd love to see the air fuel mixtures at 10 PSI...............I reclon they'd be dangerously lean. :spoton:



Pete what is the ideal air/fuel ratio for an xr6T?



At full engine load (high rpm) I would not run the engine any leaner than .82 lambda. :w00t2:



Ok...I'm gonna need to do some research to find out exactly what that means :w00t2: But thanks.



low 12's

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you can run the 10psi on standard injectors... the two maps are for stock cars remember... I have been in a ar that runs the 10psi... feels great!!


I'd love to see the air fuel mixtures at 10 PSI...............I reclon they'd be dangerously lean. :spoton:



peter in the only instance that ive seen one done they were ritcher than the std mixtures but were still 13's



Nick Only a mad man would run a turbo engine at 13:1 air fuel ratio under full load conditions (whose car was running these sort of mixtures)...............gee this is going to be a good year for engine builders if this is the case. :lol:


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you can run the 10psi on standard injectors... the two maps are for stock cars remember... I have been in a ar that runs the 10psi... feels great!!


I'd love to see the air fuel mixtures at 10 PSI...............I reclon they'd be dangerously lean. :spoton:



peter in the only instance that ive seen one done they were ritcher than the std mixtures but were still 13's



Nick Only a mad man would run a turbo engine at 13:1 air fuel ratio under full load conditions (whose car was running these sort of mixtures)...............gee this is going to be a good year for engine builders if this is the case. :lol:



hence my concerns I did not reveal this earlier as I did not want a :w00t2: fight

remember though they were ritcher than std map by about 20-30% so it was a step in the right direction and a lot ritcher than some others ive tested!

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I dont think capa would have brought a product out in the market without knowing it would be up to scratch

saying that I bet this is how you reacted when ls1edit came out

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no point in me repling to this is there? :lol:  :spoton:  :w00t2:

diferent system run diferent control stratigies and it seems there is another reason why ems can get more from these injectors than piggy backs and posibly edit but hey that's all I say as I dont want another deleted thread!

there are many so called std theories as to 5cc = 1hp etc this is upto the individual as to which to believe there are many sites with this info google search will bring up heaps of them.


If you know dynowog please tell us, its just that APS and chiptorque recommend different injectors above 280kw, from what I understand the standard injectors will run that power but in doing so are performing at their peak nearly all the time and that reduces injector life considerably. Gav - most guys are running bosch 968's they are expensive but will handle lots of power.



Thanks for the injector info Dazza. What valve springs are best to use? :blush:

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remember though they were ritcher than std map by about 20-30% so it was a step in the right direction and a lot ritcher than some others ive tested!


Nick I'm not sure what you are referring to though the stock XR6T engine runs very rich mixtures at stock boost levels.


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I dont think capa would have brought a product out in the market without knowing it would be up to scratch


We ars discussing the air/fuel mixtures here not the actual product, obviously the mixtures can be made richer or the boost lowered to make the mixtures safe. :spoton:


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Thanks for the injector info Dazza. What valve springs are best to use? :spoton:


std till you have a problem same with the injectors

just a little equation for you all

if you have 6000 rpm you then divide this by 60 seconds it gives you 100 milliseconds you then multi ply this by 2 as the pcm only fires injectors every 2nd rpm/4th stroke you now have 200 milliseconds you then divde this by six as you have six pulse's due to cylinder count it gives you 33.333333 milliseconds you then divide this by 100 to give you duty cycle and as an example pretzel uses 14 milliseconds at 10 psi boost how much dutycycle is he using and how much injector has he left for more power?

this is at best your answer to injector size!!!!!

enjoy dw

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std till you have a problem same with the injectors

just a little equation for you all

if you have 6000 rpm you then divide this by 60 seconds it gives you 100 milliseconds you then multi ply this by 2 as the pcm only fires injectors every 2nd rpm/4th stroke you now have 200 milliseconds you then divde this by six as you have six pulse's due to cylinder count it gives you 33.333333 milliseconds you then divide this by 100 to give you duty cycle and as an example pretzel uses 14 milliseconds at 10 psi boost how much dutycycle is he using and how much injector has he left for more power?

this is at best your answer to injector size!!!!!

enjoy dw


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