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Edit Review

Mals BA XR6T

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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JB its undetectable.

Prove me wrong.


Forgive me for being arrogant, if it comes accross that way, but.......

You are selling a product of which people are asking questions. These questions will only be answered by the likes of JB and maybe myself if and when the product is fitted, then taken to a dealer and 'found out' hence defeating the purpose of the whole 'stealth' approach.

Stealth means not visible, generally that means to the naked eye, or radar.. The scan tool, however is not the naked eye, but closer to a radar. PCM records boost spikes and like everyone knows, rpm limits reached, top speed etc. So if the thing boosts to 10psi, then is that information deleted/written over or not, and what goes in it's place?? it's a simple question for someone having complete knowledge of there product I would have thought??

If you can answer the question, then maybe you will start selling units like there is no tomorrow, if you can't, you cast doubt in the minds of potential buyers.

With a remark of, "it's undetectable, prove me wrong" shows a complete lack of understanding of consumer needs, an unwillingness to find out and provide basic customer support..

my 2c, keep the change....

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my 2c, keep the change....

Well said XRT! For someone trying to sell a product, he appears to have the mentality of a 5yo child! Or is a sensible answer too much to ask for?

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  • SportCompact.biz
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Who cares whether its detectable or not, if you modify your tune, then something goes wong, then who do you really have to blame? Should you be using dishonesty to gain an advantage at the manufacturers expense? I think a few guys need to question their ethics and principles on this matter..

that's my 2 cents, and you can keep the change..

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Nothing is undetectable, if you know what your looking for and have the equipment to find it.

The only way SCT could make that claim, would be if they are only changing engine and drive train parameter changes. They would be then assuming that the local Dealership only has basic code readers and diagnosic hardware machines. There is a name but I don't recall what they call them.

Anyway these devices would'nt have the capability of bringing up engine parameters and so forth to check. On the other hand there would be some dealers out there that would have or access to the equipement that I've seen. This software and hardware is capable of tuning the PCM in real time (live tuning).

The technicians that use this equipment know, what the factory setting are and would pick the changes in an instant.

Hell they play with them themselves and have had 300rwkw on standard xr6turbo's also known as (Ford Test Vehicles) engine development is already 2-3 years ahead of what we are currently driving. These engines are usually in the oldest and most beat up models that Ford can provide.

Remember Ford spend 10's of millions of dollars and hrs on R&D to say that it is undetectable is a miss leading comment

I'm not bagging this product as I believe it is the best way to go, I look forward to seeing what it can acheive, just arrived a little to late for me. :w00t2:

Tuner I sent you a PM about the Edit, I have not had a response so I assume that you never received it, or am I to assume that you and the people you work for don't want my business.


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  • I see red
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A little bird told me yesterday that soon my local Ford dealer will be selling/installing the SCT/CAPA Flash/Edit. Not sure how that effects the warranty though. Not a lot of difference to the other aftermarket performance parts they sell as Herrods agents I guess.

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JB its undetectable.

Prove me wrong.

Martin, I am not trying to prove you wrong, as asked by myself and many others I am wanting to understand further your product. There are what I believe a number of valid questions in relation to the changing of programms and logging of data. As potential customers, people are eager to understand your product and get excited about it.

Martin you have always been forthcoming with information, and happy to go out of your way to discuss, in which I appreciate.

I am just wanting to understand the questions that have been asked on the previous page, as I believe this will assist in the correct relaying of information, and for people like myself information would be correctly relayed through the car clubs etc, which long term would hopefully result in sales for you.

I am only asking questions to learn and understand, as I know many that are currently holding back from proceeding with your product. I am sure if there were more questions answered in good faith, you would see alot more orders whilst you have the market to yourself.

Cheers :ermm:

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Who cares whether its detectable or not, if you modify your tune, then something goes wong, then who do you really have to blame?  Should you be using dishonesty to gain an advantage at the manufacturers expense?  I think a few guys need to question their ethics and principles on this matter..

that's my 2 cents, and you can keep the change..


The problem is, I'm not marketing a product as being 'stealth' or 'undetectable', so who has the moral dillema, and who is trying to sell something under a false pretence?, or by 'stealth' does the seller admit it is not visible, but detectable??

Clarification is all I'm after, not a free warranty job. I have already openly discussed modifications with my dealer and how far they will let me go, so I'm being nothing but up-front with them, before I place my order..

I don't need the change, your sister gave me some..

HELL THAT WAS A JOKE............................ please don't take it serious, but I thort it was pisss phunny, soz..

bit of banter to keep it light hearted, we're all here to learn from each other..

cheers. :censored:

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I am happy to be corrected but, aparently my belief was it can tell you things like error codes, avg revs, top speed etc, plus other things that the dealers can use?


Oh dont tell me that.....my average revs would be damn high, as would my top speed!

PS, in general, EPROM'S which is what the CAPA plays with in the ECU are read only (Hence the name - Electronically Programmable Read-Only Memory). You need to "flash it" to write to it. (This is what the CAPA box does). Its the same as the BIOS on your motherboard or the firmware on your CD-rom: they can be upgraded by software which will write new firmware to the chip. Effectively its just a new program but instead of being like a file on your hard disk it is a file written onto a chip - that's not expected to change.

There would be separate read/write memory (registers) used to store error codes etc, and I doubt the CAPA flasher touches that part of memory. I imagine that the new capa ECU software also writes error codes to that part of memory as part of every day use, as it supposedly does everything the original software did.

I am not sure if the ECU stores time and date. If it is date-aware then it could theoretically store the date that the engine was last flashed. If you go in for your service and it says yesterday, they might ask you where/why. (And you dont have to answer!). To be date aware the ECU would likely need a rechargeable (or similar) battery somewhere in it or else disconnecting the battery woudl screw the time.

If it is not date aware, then as long as you restore the original file, it shouldnt be a problem. If any date exists it will be on the original file, which the CAPA unit will restore. (Similar to a datestamp for each file in Windows). This stamp should not change when you back your software up to the CAPA device as the CAPA device probably doesnt know the date and will use the original file's date if one exists.

There is a simple thing Ford could do to catch people out (assuming they cant already) but I wont post it here as its possible people from Ford come here.

I would suggest that 2 days prior to your service you:

1) Restore it to factory software

2) Drive the car around, making sure it runs ok.

3) Disconnect the battery overnight.

4) Drive it as normal including a freeway stint before you have it serviced. Try to clock up 100km or so so the normal range of data may be in the registers in the ECU.

It would be appreciated if someone restoring to standard before a service could post information on whether there were any issues with the service!

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