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Edit Review

Mals BA XR6T

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"yousure its not the valet map?"

Yeah DW pretty sure about that !

it pulls real hard then pop its all over ! :spoton:

like I said the 8psi is smooth as !

oh havent tried the valet mode.


That doesn't sound good.

What was the weather like at the time? Was it hot and humid, or really cool?

Just wanted to check the conditions as I know of someone else with this issue but on the 8 PSI map as well...


Having it on the 8psi map would really suck,so what happens with the 10psi?

I can flog it with the 8psi no worries, have it bouncing off the rev limiter real quick.

I plan on getting it dyno tuned so that should fix it,also got some injectors here I would like fitted :spoton:

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Maybe we can get a few cars there and the guys at Injection Perfection can Dyno, and tune a few at once? I'll create a thread in "Crusies"


now that's a great idea,I was planning on heading out there anyway.

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Maybe we can get a few cars there and the guys at Injection Perfection can Dyno, and tune a few at once? I'll create a thread in "Crusies"



Good idea Mal count me in and sooner the better :spoton:

Jeff :spoton:

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Having it on the 8psi map would really suck,so what happens with the 10psi?

I can flog it with the 8psi no worries, have it bouncing off the rev limiter real quick.

The effect is pretty bad on the 8PSI map so he hasn't even tried the 10PSI map. Probably a good idea.... :spoton:

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so if I wanna get a dyno I just drive into somewhere with a dyno and say what??? give me a dyno run and charge me lolnever been to one

or maybe wait till a dyno day

The best option is to take the car to a CAPA dealer who can customise/optimise the tunes for your car. If you're going to pay for Dyno time you may as well pay a little extra and get some lasting benefits. :spoton:

So if your car does not run as it should with the edit.... are they going to charge you for dyno time or would they check it all out at their cost? Obviously if there was a problem they would blame something other then program settings and hit you up for it. In that case it just would not be an off the shelf package for all T owners would it?

just a thought...

Although I have been for a ride in a car with the 10psi map... very impressive.

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Although I have been for a ride in a car with the 10psi map... very impressive

Is it worth $1300.00

Some people with agendas arnt impressed :spoton:

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Although I have been for a ride in a car with the 10psi map... very impressive

Is it worth $1300.00

Some people with agendas arnt impressed :spoton:


said this b4 and ill say it again without a map its worth $1300

I have guys paying $2200+ and they are happy enough to go edit too!

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Although I have been for a ride in a car with the 10psi map... very impressive

Is it worth $1300.00

Some people with agendas arnt impressed :spoton:

I would say yes if it worked as promised.... the original price of $1695 was way high though... and am guessing the current price will end up coming down too :blush:

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Although I have been for a ride in a car with the 10psi map... very impressive

Is it worth $1300.00

Some people with agendas arnt impressed :spoton:

said this b4 and ill say it again without a map its worth $1300

I have guys paying $2200+ and they are happy enough to go edit too!

unfortuantely everyones pockets arent that deep

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unfortuantely everyones pockets arent that deep


no one said they had to be but I was just stating that at 3500 these guy feel they are getting value for money and more importantly they are!!!!

the old adich you get what you pay for / pay penuts you get monkey's etc.

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