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T Problems


how many problems have you had with your t?  

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Guest ba XR6
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I have had many problems but is very depressing putting alll of them down but one thing that has happened to me is the engine floods sometimes and I have to just hold the key and it takes about 1-2 min to start with on off time movements but that hasnt happend to anyone else by the look of this topic

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Guest jteale
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Only two issues to speak of for my T ... and coming up to 13k (6 months old) on the clock not bad ... :blush: ... the oh so common Overboost issue which I solved with an APS Phase 1 (never to be seen or heard of again ... even on cold days) ... and the bloody exhaust heat shield rattle (never fixed by Ford ... never going to them again) so APS Phase 2 with exhaust (and hopefully APSEdit) for me ... sometime next year ... overall very happy so far :spoton: !!!

Haven't actually had any problems with my standard brakes (like alot of people) but have already bought the PBR replacements and will fit them next year too ... :lol:

Cheers, Jason.

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had a couple of chips in the paint when I picked her up, but not in critical places.

had the plastic cover on the driver side c pillar fall off and the passenger rear door trim needed replacing (both fixed at 3000km 'service'), only thing now is a bad squeek coming out of the rear suspension (about to get fixed at 15,000km service)

other than that she's ok for the amount of driving im doing (13,500kms in 14 weeks)

I have to say there is love for my t

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Am I to tolerant?

I only counted major things (car stopping type failures)

sure my centre console storage lid is getting harder and harder to open and there's a squeak in the back I simply CANNOT find, but hey,

Tis but a go-fast taxi. :blush: I'm happy with it. :spoton:

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Guest jteale
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Overboost, ... well ... on my car it happened 3 days after I picked it up ... on the Bathurst Cruise ... the car simply drops to only a couple of cylinders or into a limp style mode, in most cases I simply take the foot of the go pedal and re-apply and its good to go ... colder conditions cause it ... I have applied an APS Phase 1 and have never had it again ...

I have been told that the mode is caused by Ford being a little conservative on a few ECU parameters, and obviously an Edit of some type could eliminate this issue entirely, whereas I am told that the Unichip only significantly reduces the occurance of overboost ... I could make it happen ... now I can't ... but I am sure it will not be 100% eliminated until an ECU mod is made to my car ...

I am sure more technical answers can be found, this is just my experience...

Cheers, Jason.

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  • FPV521
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hi fellas,

had one body squeak and that's it. Fixed under warranty and no problem now. Most new cars get a squeak r rattle in the first 20,000 km any way so I wouldnt really call it a problem Have done 18,000 ks and push it quite hard all of the time.

Just love it.

When I upgrade in a few years my Turbo will stay in my garage as I love it and couldnt bring myself to sell it. Not sure where I will get the money for the upgrade if I upgrade anyway :lol:

I do feel sorry for the boys that have had problems and I still have my fingers crossed that I dont have any problems. :spoton:

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Problems you say! I've been waiting to vent some of this frustration....

1. Scratch on rear bumper on delivery.

2. Transmission fluid leak from servo cover, again on delivery.

3. Another transmission fluid leak this time from the cooler pipe at the transmission.

4. Whining diff which was replaced... Eventually!

5. Tonneau cover had been polished so hard the clear coat had been removed.

6. Broken lock on the tonneau on delivery.

7. Brake shudder on two occasions... So far anyway!

8. Nut cover on RHS wiper arm keeps coming off... Given up on that one!

9. New transmission due to torque converter that didn't spin center.

10. Overboost... Lot's and no fix!

11. Irratic idle... Again for a long time and still no fix!

12. Brake malfunction light came on for an hour then went away... How knows!

13. Side skirt badges peeling off.

14. Tyres spliting across the tread on no less than three tyres... Two were replaced!

15. Turbo manifold bolt missing.

16. Tailshaft bolts loose... Luckily not the big main ones!

17. Water pump O ring leaking.

18. Steering rack crunching and grinding... Three attempts to fix it so far all with no result.

19. There was a RHS fog light in the the LHS hole.

20. Belt replaced due to the ribs peeling off.

I think that's about it... For now, I'm sure there will be more, there's always more! Until now I have never said these words... But I paid $43,000 for a f#cking lemon!

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