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Parking Brake Woes


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CFlat, the hand brake issue is very common. PBR (OEM brake manufacturers) are working on a fix, but I don't see it being applied to all effected vehicals, only new ones comming off the line (same as the brake shudder issue).

It's unfair that you have to buy new pads for the hand brake, as they wouldn't be worn if they wern't dragging along the discs all the %#%@#% time.

In my last T my hand brake stopped working all together because of this problem, the same thing will happen eventually in this car.

I've also heard bad reports from JMG's service dept which is why I didn't want to buy my new car from them. Try out Gregory's in Braddon or Mitchell, they both do an awesome job (from my experience anyway). Just don't deal with the new indian dickhead at Braddon.

Good luck,


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Want to share another Ford experience with the group.

Had my parkbrake adjusted at around 30.000 k's by John McGrath Ford in Woden.

This was because the parkbrake lever had "gone vertical". They charged me $83 to carry out this procedure, which I argued unsuccesfully.

Vehicle was back soon after because of the swoosh/grind/squeak/complain noises come from rear discs due to handbrake shoes dragging. The parkbrake was adjusted without charge.

Vehicle was back to them again for same thing, swoosh/grind/squeak/complain noises coming from same place, again adjusted without charge and an explanation given that this is "common/normal"

At 45000km service, I again requested that the swoosh/grind/squeak/complain noises are a constant cause of parking lot embarassment and would you please fix the %&*#@&^ thing!!

Collected the car after this service (Friday 5th November) and was told that the rear discs and parkbrake shoes are badly worn and need to be replaced, and that this is NOT a warranty item, as brakes are normal wear and tear. WTF!? Maladjustment of brake shoes is apparently my fault!!

I was charged $53 for this adjustment, and the swoosh/grind/squeak/complain noises STILL PREVAIL!

Rang 13FORD that afternoon and spoke to Hamish, who says "not under warranty". I argue my point during a 35 minute phone call where I sit on hold for most of that time while Hamish speaks to McGraths. Finally Hamish says he'll ring me back by Tuesday 9th Nov. Hamish didn't ring!

On Thursday 11th November I ring 13FORD again, and am told that Hamish is busy on the phone, but is looking after my complaint and will ring me back in 15 minutes. Hamish didn't ring back!

I am a further 6 days down the track, and still no Hamish.

Oh, almost forgot, I did get an email from Ford a few days ago, proclaiming the new BA Falcon as "Car of the Year". Better not forget to ring Hamish and offer my congratulations!!

If you have the dreaded swoosh/grind/squeak/complain noises eminating from your parkbrake, dont put up with it.........you gonna end paying for new bits.



Steve :spoton:  :thumbsup:  :o

you will be waiting a while for that phone call... I have waited 6 weeks anad still no phonecall :o they only call when I send an email reminder :spit:

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What's ford customer service's email address - I deleted the email re Car of the Year after my mate Hamish ignored me continually.

Appreciate anybody being able to tell me



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I acn't believe that you volunteraly take your car to ford to get serviced!

You Know they have moron apprentices fixing problems like that?

I only deal with those incompetant monkeys when I have to get a warranty item repaired, which is still too often for my liking!

I would never pay them to touch my car!

Go and find yourself a decent mechanic that is accredited!

Surely you must know someone whos a mech, family friend or something?

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Rang 13FORD again this afternoon around 4.30 and got the machine that tells you that the Ford hotline is "unusually busy" at the moment...I can understand the complaints line being busy (this is Ford after all), but don't believe that that is unusual for a Ford complaint line.

Left my name and number again...............can only wait..........

Sure am missin' Hamish! :spoton:

Steve :nono:

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Well I spoke to a lovely lady who suggested I take the car to another dealer to get a 2nd opinion. Now living in Geelong this leaves Colac and Hoppers Crossing as alternatives. Yeah sure thing love, I dont mind leaving the car a 45min drive a way all day, just to be told they don't know what it is.

My car went back to the Geelong dealer about 7 times, each time they tried something different. Infact I think they might have learnt something. Anyway they gave me a free hire car every time it went back, and didn't charge me a cent. Altough my normal service guy was away, and I had to deal with some dickhead who was trying to say I had pulled the handbrake on whilst driving because the rear tyres were worn out.

I drove home that day after being accused for that, and found my handbrake would not even hold the car on level ground, being pushed. Wanted to speak to the manager of the service department, and told he was busy and had an important meeting to attend. 5 minues later I see him casually chatting in the workshop.

The head mechanic, Russel, he's a top bloke. Never accused me for a thing, and he was the one chasing up various parts to replace etc. In the end I ended up with a handbrake that worked ok(not the best), but that embarrasing noise had gone.

Oh I sent an email off to some Quality Assurance guy or something at ford, with links to about 60 posts by you guys, and another forum, detailing the problem. Didn't hear anything back.

Have you guys also noticed the number of VY's making the same noise?

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This is why I dislike the "Banksia" handbrake system.

Its fitted to a few different vehicles such as Falcon,Commodore,Ssanyong Musso.

PBR recommends replacement of this unit every time the rear discs are replaced !!

Its really a PBR issue but they can't do much about it till its redesigned. Ford can't really do much to fix it either.

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This is why I dislike the "Banksia" handbrake system.

Its fitted to a few different vehicles such as Falcon,Commodore,Ssanyong Musso.

PBR recommends replacement of this unit every time the rear discs are replaced !!

Its really a PBR issue but they can't do much about it till its redesigned. Ford can't really do much to fix it either.


So that's OK,they employ mongols,we suffer,and ford is happy,all I can say is nothing good about ford :gooff:

All my worst enemys will be getting a ford invite for a testdrive :w00t2:

vik, once we were ford, now where are fcuked

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I have the issues with my T. Handbrake looses adjustment, Ford Fix/ :gooff: it and then it doesn't work.

I have been given the car back 3 times with the handbrake not working after specifically telling them to fix it. Their QA is non-existant. Technically if your hanbrake doesn't work the car will fail a rego inspection and is as such not road worthy.

Where do Ford get off giving you back an unroadworthy car (let alone charging for the privilidge). :nyyaah:

At the moment my handbrake does work. If you apply it whilst the car is only just still moving (<5km/hr) there is a LOUD clunk/bang, the back suspension drops about 50mm and the car instantly stops. It is either on or off. In an undergroung carpark it sounds like somebody let off a craker.

Cflat, my "case manager" at Ford is also Hamish, he seems alright until you box him into a corner and he has no pre-prepared Ford answers. Then he tells you it's your fault through your driving style. His answer to me about my clunking handbrake ultimately was check your driving manual, the handbrake is an emergency brake, and Ford do not recommend appling the emergency brake to a moving vehicle. In his eyes, this seems to absolve Ford from any handbrake issues that arise as the vehicle is moving, or this driving style caused it.

Make sure you get a reference number, they seem to call back a bit more if you quote it. It also tracks how many times you ring to complain. I don't think it makes them act any better, but at least there is a record of your complaint.

Hamish also isn't keen on taking down vehicle problems from the owner. We have to tell our dealer and then the dealer tells Hamish. It's kind of like Chineese Whispers.

In all honesty, my hand brake issues are minor compared with the :w00t2: going on under the bonnet.

Go Public!


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I had a problem when I bought the Fairmont with the handbreak. It went up too far and I asked them to adjust it. They did but then I started getting the squeel from the back breaks. I took it back again and this was fixed and no problem since! All free of charge! :D

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