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What Connection To Get


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I use internode myself.

I'm on a SOHO 512k/128k Flatrate plan for $99.00. From what I have seen in the last few weeks, they are pretty impressive. I have a static IP address, ISP provides free DNS service etc. Ping times to game servers regularly under 20ms or there abouts. Download speed for the 512k connection are quite good. They mirror so many good download sites (This stuff is unmetered, so it doesn't go towards your download limits). Uploads are not metered (some ISP's do meter uploads). They have dozens of their own game servers, you get 50MB for your webspace and you get 4 additional emails (added to your default one, which means 5 total). Their help desk staff are absolutely brillient. When I finally got the "Service active" status I was having issues getting online. They quickly found out that telstra were having a major problem at the exchange I was hooked upto. I then went to the telstra wholesale site, which showed that this was the case. When the problem was fixed they rang me to say "Your status has shown you are online. Telstra must've fixed their problem". Can't be happier...

Go internode or just go to the http://www.whirlpool.net.au site and you'll find the ISP that is right for you.

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thanks for all the replys :spoton: made a deal with telstra today.... $59 for unlimited..... I also took foxtel and hence free connection for both and 125 free local calls per month...

The way it works is.... phone and foxtel on one bill and broadband on another :w00t2:

booked in for thursday the 18th :w00t2: cant wait

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  • In Your Face
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thanks for all the replys :puke:  made a deal with telstra today.... $59 for unlimited..... I also took foxtel and hence free connection for both and 125 free local calls per month...

The way it works is.... phone and foxtel on one bill and broadband on another :sick:

booked in for thursday the 18th :sick:  cant wait


Guys Check this website out it might help somebody that needs CABLE or ADSL

SITE :puke:

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  • In Your Face
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Can someone explain to me the difference between a static vs dynamic IP, and why l might choose one over the other  :puke:



If l knew l'll tell ya but since l don't know....l wont tell ya :lol: :lol:

Edited by Blown BA
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  • Bloody Orange Team (BOT)
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  • Member For: 21y 8m 14d
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Can someone explain to me the difference between a static vs dynamic IP, and why l might choose one over the other  :blink:


Basically, static IP means that the IP number stays the same. Dynamic IP means it'll change every now and then. Static IP is especially good if you want to access your computer and it's data remotely. You'll always know where it is. FTP , Web etc servers are generally what can be setup for you and your friends to access. I kinda like it :)

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Don't worry too much about static IP (constant, never changes), as there are ways around it.

If you have to pay extra for static IP, don't!!

I have a static IP for my office, but wouldn't worry about it for a home account.

Personally at home I'm in the process of changing over to cable, getting rid of the adsl & land line, & switching to Voice over IP. which should save about $40.00/month if not more!


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  • voy74656
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static ip means always the same...so u can host a file server..or access your pc remotely and always have the same address.

dynamic means it changes....basically....if your a home user it doesnt matter - dynamic is usually cheaper as isp's charge for static ip's...usually :P

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