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Cant See Gears


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Vik, Im with you mate. I know just what you mean because it happens to me all the time. My solution.........I close my sunroof :nod:

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Yeah, I've experienced both the speedo glare and the bonnet bulge glare.

The speedo glare seems to be linked to my sunglasses, whilst wearing them at a certain time of the day, the dassh is hard to see (especially the digital readouts on the odometer and trip computer), if I remove them I can see them........ strange!

The bonnet bulge glare I can live with!

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Try draining the indicator fluid out, as that will raise the front of the car a little so you wont have to worry about the glare till about 1 o'clock .

:w00t2:  :w00t2:  :w00t2:



Been there done that!!! I tried it with trans fluid in the radiator.

I figured if I got all the trans fluid up the front of the car,the nose would dip and Id be laughing.

Dont try this folkes, cause you end up crying :crybaby:

vik of the overboost

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XR8 Ute Posted Today, 07:06 AM

  Yeah, I've experienced both the speedo glare and the bonnet bulge glare.

The speedo glare seems to be linked to my sunglasses, whilst wearing them at a certain time of the day, the dassh is hard to see (especially the digital readouts on the odometer and trip computer), if I remove them I can see them........ strange!

The bonnet bulge glare I can live with!

The reason this happens is because the LCD display from which your odometer is made from is horizontally polarised. Horizontal polarisation blocks the majority of light that reflected in the horizontal plane - this is to reduce glare (horizontal light). Your glasses will be polarised too - for the same reason - to reduce glare. The problem here is that your glasses and the dash combined are filtering out both the horizontal and vertical component of the light.... thus the text seems to disappear! (In theory this shouldnt happen as both the LCD and your glasses should be horizontally polarised, but if your glasses are cheap then the polarisation may not be dead level horizontal and thus its causing the problem - no offence intended)

You will probably find that if you rotate your glasses slowly between 0-90 degrees and look through them you will be able to read the odometer clearly.


Edited by Ford_Power
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XR8 Ute Posted Today, 07:06 AM

  Yeah, I've experienced both the speedo glare and the bonnet bulge glare.

The speedo glare seems to be linked to my sunglasses, whilst wearing them at a certain time of the day, the dassh is hard to see (especially the digital readouts on the odometer and trip computer), if I remove them I can see them........ strange!

The bonnet bulge glare I can live with!

The reason this happens is because the LCD display from which your odometer is made from is horizontally polarised. Horizontal polarisation blocks the majority of light that reflected in the horizontal plane - this is to reduce glare (horizontal light). Your glasses will be polarised too - for the same reason - to reduce glare. The problem here is that your glasses and the dash combined are filtering out both the horizontal and vertical component of the light.... thus the text seems to disappear! (In theory this shouldnt happen as both the LCD and your glasses should be horizontally polarised, but if your glasses are cheap then the polarisation may not be dead level horizontal and thus its causing the problem - no offence intended)

You will probably find that if you rotate your glasses slowly between 0-90 degrees and look through them you will be able to read the odometer clearly.



So there you go Vik....you weren't illusinating after all :lol:

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sometimes when driving.. I find it impossible to read the tacho completely!

... then I realise it's night time and turn my headlights on :ermm:

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XR8 Ute Posted Today, 07:06 AM

  Yeah, I've experienced both the speedo glare and the bonnet bulge glare.

The speedo glare seems to be linked to my sunglasses, whilst wearing them at a certain time of the day, the dassh is hard to see (especially the digital readouts on the odometer and trip computer), if I remove them I can see them........ strange!

The bonnet bulge glare I can live with!

The reason this happens is because the LCD display from which your odometer is made from is horizontally polarised. Horizontal polarisation blocks the majority of light that reflected in the horizontal plane - this is to reduce glare (horizontal light). Your glasses will be polarised too - for the same reason - to reduce glare. The problem here is that your glasses and the dash combined are filtering out both the horizontal and vertical component of the light.... thus the text seems to disappear! (In theory this shouldnt happen as both the LCD and your glasses should be horizontally polarised, but if your glasses are cheap then the polarisation may not be dead level horizontal and thus its causing the problem - no offence intended)

You will probably find that if you rotate your glasses slowly between 0-90 degrees and look through them you will be able to read the odometer clearly.



[commence serious post]

All jokes aside, this place is absolutely unreal. I don’t think that a day has passed that I haven’t learnt anything from this forum.

Keep up the great work with these little gems of information, although they will probably not impact on anything greatly or change the world significantly, it is very interesting to hear nonetheless.


[/return to meaningless dribble]

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XR8 Ute Posted Today, 07:06 AM

  Yeah, I've experienced both the speedo glare and the bonnet bulge glare.

The speedo glare seems to be linked to my sunglasses, whilst wearing them at a certain time of the day, the dassh is hard to see (especially the digital readouts on the odometer and trip computer), if I remove them I can see them........ strange!

The bonnet bulge glare I can live with!

The reason this happens is because the LCD display from which your odometer is made from is horizontally polarised. Horizontal polarisation blocks the majority of light that reflected in the horizontal plane - this is to reduce glare (horizontal light). Your glasses will be polarised too - for the same reason - to reduce glare. The problem here is that your glasses and the dash combined are filtering out both the horizontal and vertical component of the light.... thus the text seems to disappear! (In theory this shouldnt happen as both the LCD and your glasses should be horizontally polarised, but if your glasses are cheap then the polarisation may not be dead level horizontal and thus its causing the problem - no offence intended)

You will probably find that if you rotate your glasses slowly between 0-90 degrees and look through them you will be able to read the odometer clearly.



I know what your saying,but driving the overbooster at the time I wasnt wearing goggles,

Ive actually got a pair of polaroides when I drive the XY,hooly dooly,,,like having polker dots all over the joint,and as you say,rotate 0-90 and it goes away.

When polaroids first came out,that was the first thing you did to make sure you were cool :blink: check em on a wind screen!

vik of the overboost

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XR8 Ute Posted Today, 07:06 AM

  Yeah, I've experienced both the speedo glare and the bonnet bulge glare.

The speedo glare seems to be linked to my sunglasses, whilst wearing them at a certain time of the day, the dassh is hard to see (especially the digital readouts on the odometer and trip computer), if I remove them I can see them........ strange!

The bonnet bulge glare I can live with!

The reason this happens is because the LCD display from which your odometer is made from is horizontally polarised. Horizontal polarisation blocks the majority of light that reflected in the horizontal plane - this is to reduce glare (horizontal light). Your glasses will be polarised too - for the same reason - to reduce glare. The problem here is that your glasses and the dash combined are filtering out both the horizontal and vertical component of the light.... thus the text seems to disappear! (In theory this shouldnt happen as both the LCD and your glasses should be horizontally polarised, but if your glasses are cheap then the polarisation may not be dead level horizontal and thus its causing the problem - no offence intended)

You will probably find that if you rotate your glasses slowly between 0-90 degrees and look through them you will be able to read the odometer clearly.


Ross, thanks for the explaination, bloody Bolle sunglasses, might have to pick up a set of $10 sunnies from Clints. :spoton:

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