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Wheel alignment and balance


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I had my car serviced on Monday with no problems but the service manager sugested tha I needed a wheel alignment.

Im heading to Tassie next week and the only place that could do the job was Bob Who? :hag:

Took the car in yesterday and when I went to pick it up they told me they had a problem when doing the balance. They managed to damage one of my wheels. :kissmy:

I insist they replace the wheel and they agree. :lol:

A few minutes later the guy comes out and tells me there is onother problem, I have 3 bent rims.The only good one is the damaged one. :censored:

He tells me I can heve the rims rolled for $80 to $100 each or I should consider buying a new set at my cost less trade in.

I have never noticed any problems with vibration even at over 200 kph.

I told him to put the bent wheels back on the car because I figure they just want to cover thier loss.

When I finaly got my car I jumped in took of down the road and noticed my steering wheel is not strait. :censored:

I'm not impressed.

Ps: Anyone wanna buy a set of wheels....

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tyre dealer did the work, took the car on the mandatory test run, hit something like a gutter and is now trying to say the wheels were that way when you drove in...

sound about right????

I know what I would be saying...

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When I finaly got my car I jumped in took of down the road and noticed my steering wheel is not strait. :censored:

I'm not impressed.

Are they still doing that? Did it to me in an old Fairlane I had, AND insisted they could not get it straight ! :censored:

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always get a second opinion. If the car is damaged now, go back to BJ and tellem they have to fix the damage. If the car is worse after the work, then they did something wrong and are trying to hide it.

The MTA or RACV can help you.

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Bob Who?

A few minutes later the guy comes out and tells me there is onother problem, I have 3 bent rims.The only good one is the damaged one. 

This is like dejavu ..... a few months ago I was heading to Uluru with my caravan so I thought before I go Ill replace the tyres (Fleetsystems pays) whilst I was waiting they came up to me and said that one of my rims is bent and cant be balanced properly!!!! Should be replaced !!!! WTF so I asked to put it on the rear and have had no vibrations what so ever after 6800km round trip back to Victoria again.

Does this mean they're scamming us????? (I do find this hard to believe being a large company)

Or some of the rims from the factory are bent? ( I like this senario)

Or :censored: happens and its a coincidence

I think its maybe the later


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My mate manages a bridgestone store and told me that the company in question lost they're lisence to do mechanical work 7 or so years ago for doing exactly what you are saying. Telling people things are broken so they will pay to get them replaced and not actually doing anything etc...



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I was just looking at my wheel alignment report. Hand written reports are always a bit of a concern, too easy for them to write down whatever they like. I thought computerised wheel alignment machines gave a computer printout of before after and recomended range.

Does anyone know what the specs. should be for toe in/out camber and caster.

These numbers don't mean squat without the specs.

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My steering wheel is off center and I had Ford, Beaurepairs and Pedders all tried to fix it with no luck.


Last time I worked on a car (long time ago) all you had to do was unscrew the ball joint on one side a few turns, then screw up the other side the same amount. Have things changed all that much?

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