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from my experience as a previous owner of a 98 rex , it was pretty easy to get a good launch every time , it just involved being brutal , minimum of 5000rpm and dumping the clutch , 5500rpm was even a more certain of getting a good start

in regards to the XR6T being able to launch in a similar fashion I would say forget it in a manual but in the auto it is quite possible to get a decent launch ,although not as good as a 5500rpm 4wd launch , I would say at best a rex with a perfect launch vs a auto t would be about 1-1.5 carlegths as oppsed to 1.5-2.5 for a manual rwd vs 4wd.

now once you put stallies into the equation then its a diff story, I owned a lancer gsr 4wd and I had a run with a auto clubsport with a supercharger and I was shocked on how good this thing could launch , even with my brutal clutch dumping this thing was never more than 1/2 - 3/4 of a carlegth behind me, I was very impressed ( he also had huge tyres which no doubt would of helped)

Edited by Crumpet
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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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You sure the WRX was really serious in the last run??  An auto T doesnt get off the line quite like a rex.



Loaded up they get off the line quite nicely dazza.



I know that, but haven driven both of these cars, I dont think my auto T launches as good at 2200rpm as what the manual rex launched at 5000rpm did, no way not even close, and if he was really serious for a race he would have jumped off the clutch at a huge rpm, unless of course it was an auto rex.


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Yep, better yet, get a brass bell clutch in the rex, then do the said 5000rpm launch (it isn't a dump of the clutch, its a side step... The full force of the clutch spring). Standard clutches wear out fairly fast on the rex, as a few that I know have experienced......

Getting all 4 wheels spinning for a second or so is probably the fastest way to launch a rex/evo.

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  • fordxr5turbodotcom
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someone explain to me how to do the perfect launch in a XR6T thanks...

I'm guessin it's just stall to 2200 rpm and off with the brake... anything else to it?



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  • In Your Face
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someone explain to me how to do the perfect launch in a XR6T thanks...

I'm guessin it's just stall to 2200 rpm and off with the brake... anything else to it?




Daniel son not 2200 its actually 2000....otherwise you'll get wheel spin....and then flat foot to the floor :lol:

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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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someone explain to me how to do the perfect launch in a XR6T thanks...

I'm guessin it's just stall to 2200 rpm and off with the brake... anything else to it?




You can stall it up to that much, if you have a boost guage its handy because you can dial up a few more revs and watch the boost needle, I find if you launch with any boost its good bye good 1/4 mile time, so try launch with as many revs as possible an no boost then off the brake and foot through the firewall.


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