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  • Location: Mt Waverley, VIC 3149

My 12 month novated finance lease thru Custom Fleet costs me :

$25171 gross thru my package ($13341 nett)

$27287 residual GST inclusive

total cost = 13341 + 27287 = $40628 inclusive of on-roads, rego, servicing,

insurance and 12 months/25000km petrol.

For me, it was the easiest and cheapest way to own a brand new auto T sedan.

The total cost ($40628) inclusive of everything is cheaper than what practically anyone could negotiate on a brand new T sedan privately. Go a finance lease if you can, no upfront costs as the lease payments come out of your pay and the residual is only payable at the end of the lease.

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  • FPV521
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Servicing seems to be dealer dependant ... so you may get a good one ... or a bad one ... but I've seen anything from 200-500 bucks ... so shop around ... note warranty is not dependant on being serviced at a dealer ... I have chosen a 3rd party to service mine (my Tuner)...

Fuel ... bummer ... I get roughly 10.5l/100km on the open road ... and 15-16l/100km around the city ... bit of a lead foot ... never going to be as good as a four cylinder ... of course ... but much more fun :thumbsup:

But remember the Falcon is a large car ... but handles well, etc so you really get quite a different driving experience compared to a small four :)

Good Luck.

Cheers, Jason.


I get similar numbers. I get 10.4 on open road. Around 11.7 when reasonably hard on it. I reckon that's pretty good. To be honest mate if you buy one dont buy it for consumption figures. Its big and heavy but a hell of a lot of fun. If you cane it often you wont want to know about fuel consumption. Youll be to busy grinning to give a :nono:

I live in NZ and service figures arent to different to the figure above.

At the end of the day I would just say take one for a test drive and all of your questions and expectations will be realised

Good luck and hope you get one if it lights your fire :nono:

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Guest Lukkyphil
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Geez in the time it took to write that last post, I had 3 more to read! Thanks for all your input. Well from what you guys have said, it all seems worth it. Now as I'm still deciding whether to spend up and get the beast, I should probably not think about mods just yet. The thing that really hurts with the pulsar is that to make the car fast, a turbo motor swap is really the only option. $6000 on an old car (1992 model) isn't too wise and front wheel drive turbo wouldn't be the best.

Now to modding the XR6Ts, can you guys do anything when the car is still under warranty? I'd really only be looking at a more free flowing exhaust, but obviously the need for more power will always be there!


Okey Dokey

Novated Leases / Salary Packaging - The primary lease is between yourself and the Finance Company. A Full Novation Agreement also being signed by yourself, the finance companyand your employer, the purpose of which is to assign the full rights and benefits of ownership to the employer, so that they are entitled to a tax deduction for the costs incurred as the car becomes an expense of the business. The novation agreement terminates if you leave the employers service, or the residual on the lease becomes payable on its expiry, or early termination.

The company claims a deduction for all of the vehicle costs, which are deducted from the employees pre-tax salary, thus the employee enjoys the benefits of "Full" deductibility (see note on FBT below) for the vehicle.

As the company is providing you a vehicle, it is providing a Fringe Benefit upon which Fringe Benefits Tax is payable by the company (although they will pass this cost on to you - in pre-tax $$'s), this is calculated either via keeping a logbook recording Business Kms, and expenditure - too hard.

The alternative is the statutory method, which assesses FBT based upon the vehicles cost (incl GST) and total kilometres travelled in a FBT year, the rate drops as Km's increase.

Basically if you do less than 25,000kms a year don't bother, as the stautory rate is 20% for less than 25,000kms and 26% for less than 15,000kms, compared to 11% for 25,000 to 40,000kms a year, and 7% for greater than 40,000kms a year.

Salary Packaged vehicles can work well, but need to be asessed on a case by case basis, depending on what you buy, how much you earn, the distance that you drive each year, and the percentage of business kilometres that you travel.

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Cool, thanks for clearing that up. I don't think I want a novated lease as I wouldn't want the pressure to drive over 25,000kms in a year. I'm looking at car loans at the moment. My mum has a XR6 and I love it. I know it is going to cost me a bit, but you only live once. I may as well enjoy it!

Edited by Towner
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The alternative is the statutory method, which assesses FBT based upon the vehicles cost (incl GST) and total kilometres travelled in a FBT year, the rate drops as Km's increase.

Basically if you do less than 25,000kms a year don't bother, as the stautory rate is 20% for less than 25,000kms and 26% for less than 15,000kms, compared to 11% for 25,000 to 40,000kms a year, and 7% for greater than 40,000kms a year.

Salary Packaged vehicles can work well, but need to be asessed on a case by case basis, depending on what you buy, how much you earn, the distance that you drive each year, and the percentage of business kilometres that you travel.

You may be interested in this thread then:


No FBT payable on ute's so K's dont come into it. :crybaby:

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  • Flower Power
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Hmmm... Test drive would be the best option first, but to find a dealer that will let a 20yo drive one :( Somehow I think it is going to take a lot of convincing to get the keys for 10 mins.


I also live in Canberra, and as per my previous post 70% is hwy driving between Sydney and Canberra and vice versa.

If you have any problems getting a test drive, let me know. I'd take you for the ride of your life, and if we got to know eachother a little bit better I might let you do the same to me :lol: :spoton::crybaby:

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Thanks Cro, you are a good bloke. I probably don't need a test drive, though if I could sit in the passenger seat while you give it a go, it might just do it for me. Then I just need to sit in the seat and make sure I feel comfortable. I've been in my mums and I love them, but I need to feel the power of the turbo! Can you hear it spool up and vent in stock form?

Cheers buddy, if you are willing some time, I would love for you to take me for a drive!

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Guest Lukkyphil
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The alternative is the statutory method, which assesses FBT based upon the vehicles cost (incl GST) and total kilometres travelled in a FBT year, the rate drops as Km's increase.

Basically if you do less than 25,000kms a year don't bother, as the stautory rate is 20% for less than 25,000kms and 26% for less than 15,000kms, compared to 11% for 25,000 to 40,000kms a year, and 7% for greater than 40,000kms a year.

Salary Packaged vehicles can work well, but need to be asessed on a case by case basis, depending on what you buy, how much you earn, the distance that you drive each year, and the percentage of business kilometres that you travel.

You may be interested in this thread then:


No FBT payable on ute's so K's dont come into it. :crybaby:


Yes that one is a bit contentious, as the XR6 utes are not specifically listed as being exempt from FBT.

Regardless of whether or not the vehicle is exempt, the ATO is not stupid and WILL examine the facts to determine if the vehicle is used for more than incidental private usage, and so a Taxable Benefit has been provided.

It's all easy until you get audited......

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Save your doe mate,the T is a heap of :crybaby:

The amount of headwatsanames,time off road aint worth it.

Ive had a fight with my dealer every time the :spoton: heap broke down.

If you like overboost,then go for one.

That is ,plant your foot when overtaking;and see how lucky you are,is it gunna go like it should;or are you gunna konk out ,its a nice car,,,if it worked,,,the software SUCKS bigtime

$200 + another $200 and you might get close to insurance for a T

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