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Guest Scootre

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What's LPG like for running a Turbo XR6?

started chatting with a guy filling his old 2dr landcruiser.  He reckoned he was getting about 400 - 450 km on a 60 litre tank of LPG.


Hate to say but 400km to 60 lt gas no way

80 series curisers use 20 lt / 100km min 25l/10km ave.


80 series HDFT-1

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wtf :k24t:

performance car ....lpg ..... I don't get it ...this might be a little harsh ... but why buy a turbo ?? certainly not to reduce your petrol bills .. I hope

maybe driving with a steady light foot would be the go .....

still having trouble with a modification that would reduce power stuffing up your warranty

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wtf  :gooff:

performance car ....lpg ..... I don't get it ...this might be a little harsh ... but why buy a turbo ?? certainly not to reduce your petrol bills .. I hope

maybe driving with a steady light foot would be the go .....

still having trouble with a modification that would reduce power stuffing up your warranty


Glad someone said it! thankyou!! :blink:

Sorry but I agree completely with rob..

LPG XR6T would be :spit:

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Guest Scootre
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Hate to say but 400km to 60 lt gas no way

80 series curisers use 20 lt / 100km min 25l/10km ave.


80 series HDFT-1


Hi Rob

Oh OK. Apart from riding in a cab and firing up the BBQ... that's all the LPG experience I have. Interesting other comments from people here too.

Out of interest... what's the conversion costs for n LPG only option (no... I don't want to do it!).


Nah mate... Optimax only for me. You're right... I wouldn't put anything else in it. I should have made it clear it was a hypothetical question - that with the claims of the guy I'd spoken to, why isn't everyone jumping on the LPG wagon.

Still... $1.20+ / litre of Optimax is a bloody rort.

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I've ripped apart a couple of taxi LPG Ford I6 engines and found that the cylinders are full of crap(in the squench area) and the heads are completely stuffed from recessed valves. As someone else mentioned on this forum, he went thru 3 heads whereas with a petrol engine you would still be on the first head if serviced properly. Unless engine specifically built for LPG I think that it can end up being false economy as there are alot of cylinder head issues with it.

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I've ripped apart a couple of taxi LPG Ford I6 engines and found that the cylinders are full of crap(in the squench area) and the heads are completely stuffed from recessed valves. As someone else mentioned on this forum, he went thru 3 heads whereas with a petrol engine you would still be on the first head if serviced properly. Unless engine specifically built for LPG I think that it can end up being false economy as there are alot of cylinder head issues with it.


that's strange as gas normally burns clean do you have pics? it would be interesting to see as lpg gennerally dosn't soot! the other strange thing is I thought that the alloy heads in these things used hardened seats well if I could se the photos that would be greatly apreciated?

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I converted one of my older cars, an EB XR6 to duel fuel and had no probs at all, the car was 2 years old, 40,000 KM when I converted it and I ran it till 180,000 K's. The guy I sold it to has now down over 280,000 K's still with no fuel related problems.

The cost saving was huge, especially on a trip, I remember driving from BNE to SYD return for under $100.00, gas was about 32c/l back then though.

The boot space was a drama though, even sound system installation caused a few dramas with the 6 x 9's on the back shelf bottoming out on the tank.

The performance difference was not that noticeable except when accelerating at high speeds, eg to over take.

I had a genuine ford kit fitted though, which was warranted, tuned etc by Ford.

I work for a diesel engine company, we sell both diesel and gas versions of several brands of industrial engines (20 kw - 3500 kW) including the GM 5.7 Gen II. The gas fueled units are always cleaner internally and cause us no more dramas than thier diesel counter parts. The only dramas we see are people that don't change their oil......... because gas burns clean, they check the oil which still looks new and believe it doesn't need changing, failing to understand that it has still been breaking down.

In saying all that, I wouldn't be converting a turbo over to gas, and like everyone else hate paying the huge fuel bills.

The yanks pay $1.00 a gallon ( about 0.27 / litre) , suprised you can't buy fuel from the US on EBAY yet! :lol:

They should introduce a performance car fuel rebate, obviously the quicker the car, the less time on the road, the less pollution and less traffic!!! :laughrolling:

I know this is a little of topic, but how come the speed limit is the same for a new performance built car as it is for a 1970 Datsun 1600? The Datsun would be lucky to have brake shoes let alone ABS, Air Bags, Traction Control etc. It :smilielol: me to tears!

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I have been fitting lpg to cars for nealy 20 years there is some issues to be awear of mainly to not to run them lean as this is what does the valves no good.

As for falcons on gas they are a lot better than most other cars in the valve area.

I have a customer with three turbo charged cars on lpg and they go great no hassles at all.

They are all 100 series landcriusers 2 v8's and one 6 cyl.They all run daul fuel.

They also average 560 km per 80 litres.


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LPG is a great performance fuel.

Unfortunatly I thinf it voids your warranty, it's actually stated in the owners manual.

I think it was Ben Gatt that ran a twin turbo 351C XA coup on gas into the 8's in the 90's.

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