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xr8 bonnet


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UMMM I beleive that should read XR6T not 6T

Why is That?

Does Ford Make another turbo charged 6 that I dont know about?

(Typhon not withstanding, it is an F6)

You answered your own question all these people whinging about abbreviations, are you guys school teachers or something.If people want to abbreviate that's there perogative. You don`t have to read their post.As per above I beleiveyou were referring to the vehicleXR6T sorry wasn`t sure what a 6T was.

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You answered your own question all these people whinging about abbreviations, are you guys school teachers or something.If people want to abbreviate that's there perogative. You don`t have to read their post.As per above I beleiveyou were referring to the vehicleXR6T sorry wasn`t sure what a 6T was.


Hey, dont take it personally, merely an observation and a request. I am not a school teacher, just a dumb engineer, with fat fingers, I dont have a problem with people using abbrevations, that's fine, I am also one of the world worst spellers, so I am as careful as I can be to ensure my posts are legible to others, some of the post here are far from that, it is like thay are talking with a mouth full of food, but they are typing the results, maybe I am getting old, but reading a post that is a mess really gives me the :gooff:

The sad part is, the people who post like that more than likley have something worthwhile to say, but nobody can understand it.

Sorry if I upset you, its Friday, have a beer on me and relax. :blush:

Edited by Eugene
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You answered your own question all these people whinging about abbreviations, are you guys school teachers or something.If people want to abbreviate that's there perogative. You don`t have to read their post.As per above I beleiveyou were referring to the vehicleXR6T sorry wasn`t sure what a 6T was.

Hey, dont take it personally, merely an observation and a request. I am not a school teacher, just a dumb engineer, with fat fingers, I dont have a problem with people using abbrevations, that's fine, I am also one of the world worst spellers, so I am as careful as I can be to ensure my posts are legible to others, some of the post here are far from that, it is like thay are talking with a mouth full of food, but they are typing the results, maybe I am getting old, but reading a post that is a mess really gives me the :pooh:

The sad part is, the people who post like that more than likley have something worthwhile to say, but nobody can understand it.

Sorry if I upset you, its Friday, have a beer on me and relax. :blush:

She`s cool mate, people get on there pc`s to relax and sometimes these threads get a bit pushy on the way to do things especially when people don`t have the same opinion. I was just trying to say that it is human nature to take shortcuts and I guess some of the younger people revert to slang (I am 36 but I can still read there posts ok.) No offence takin but back to this thread I don`t agree with Lawsy comments about the xr8 bonnet and calling people rice etc everybody has a choice. :blush: Oh P.s dont drink beer but I`ll have an ice coffee instead,cheers

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I think you have missed the point guys.

The buldge has a reason on the XR8. As for better airflow for the T, you have goto be joking (and im sure as a fellow engineer Eugene would agree), it is going to make absolutely 2/10s of stuff all difference.

Mackas shaker is the best CIA for the turbo, it therefor has PURPOSE, not to mention it is based on something from 30 years ago, not something from the EXACT SAME MODEL RANGE.

It's not likely that someone is going to see mackas car and go "hey, nice XY, oh wait, its a BA!".... But I'm sure from the front at a glance, many people are going to say "hey, look, an XR8.... Wait a minute, its a 6. What the hell is that guy doing with a buldge? I thought that was for the 8s only?"...

Get my drift? If you don't, then re read it, think long and hard about it untill you do.

Trying to look like something your not (slower or faster, still implying you have an 8) is just not on, it does NOT have purpose.

And no, I'm not a school teacher, but reading

"a sentence that ishas no fullstops and half the apaces are misisng and everythig ns typed wrong and then they forget to take out words when theysemi edit it and words that are meant to look iteligent are spelt completely wonr"

are not only frustrating to read, but take any power/meaning out of your posts. It makes you instantly look like a child, which obviously you aren't. Whats more frustrating is it doesn't take much to simply proof read your posts before you hit reply.

PS, stang, never said it looked rice, I said it destroyed product differentiation and is simply try hard.

Also, your last post was not much better. Relaxing and being legibal are 2 very different things. I type like this when I'm most relaxed. It has meaning and can be read by anyone, without the need for a translator. It's called common courtesy for your fellow foromers to make it easier for them to read your posts.

Edited by Lawsy
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guys guys guys, lets take a few deep breaths

breath in

breath out


are we feeling a littlle better now :)

imagine a xr 8bonnet with the xb air vents on the bonnet hmmmmmmmmmm

that's what I was planning on doing on the xr8 bonnet, I wasn't wanting to make my car look like a xr8 but just wanted it looking better. we all agree that the xr8 bonnet does make the car look better. so wots the argument. hmmmmmmmmm

im just wanting my car to look better that's all, and make it look different. already just the topic is making u guys talk heaps about it, so I guess my job was done well, that's what I was meaning to do ne way. it worked :P

so imagine when the pics come on the web and you guys see the pics :P

I hope u guys understand that im not trying to make my car look like a xr8 just better than the standard xr6t. I hate that stock bonnet, it makes the car look like a taxi lol and I don't want that F@#$@k no :)

I would've done the vents but I was scared because u only get 1 chance at it lol and im not going to risk it. but later I will when I see wot other people will do with there xr8 bonnets ....

ps guys lets see if u have ne better ideas

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I think you have missed the point guys.

The buldge has a reason on the XR8. As for better airflow for the T, you have goto be joking (and im sure as a fellow engineer Eugene would agree), it is going to make absolutely 2/10s of stuff all difference.

Mackas shaker is the best CIA for the turbo, it therefor has PURPOSE, not to mention it is based on something from 30 years ago, not something from the EXACT SAME MODEL RANGE.

It's not likely that someone is going to see mackas car and go "hey, nice XY, oh wait, its a BA!".... But I'm sure from the front at a glance, many people are going to say "hey, look, an XR8.... Wait a minute, its a 6. What the hell is that guy doing with a buldge? I thought that was for the 8s only?"...

Get my drift? If you don't, then re read it, think long and hard about it untill you do.

Trying to look like something your not (slower or faster, still implying you have an 8) is just not on, it does NOT have purpose.

And no, I'm not a school teacher, but reading

"a sentence that ishas no fullstops and half the apaces are misisng and everythig ns typed wrong and then they forget to take out words when theysemi edit it and words that are meant to look iteligent  are spelt completely wonr"

are not only frustrating to read, but take any power/meaning out of your posts. It makes you instantly look like a child, which obviously you aren't. Whats more frustrating is it doesn't take much to simply proof read your posts before you hit reply.

PS, stang, never said it looked rice, I said it destroyed product differentiation and is simply try hard.

Also, your last post was not much better. Relaxing and being legibal are 2 very different things. I type like this when I'm most relaxed. It has meaning and can be read by anyone, without the need for a translator. It's called common courtesy for your fellow foromers to make it easier for them to read your posts.

There you go again who gives a stuff what you think about my post as for product differentiation you seem to be the one with the problem,I beleive one has an XR6 badge and one has an xr8 badge as far as I`m concerned you don`t like it tuff theres plenty of people that do.oh and by the way is that how you spell foromers(I think forumers if its even a word and who gives you the right to talk on behalf of every other forum member. And what was wrong with my previous post at least I can spell and type why dont you re read your last post lots of errors. Maybe you should start a new thread on please spellcheck and check punctuation before posting. Theres alot of XR8 bonnets on XR6`s already so nobody really cares what you or the people that dont like them think. Have a nice day as I can`t be bothered replying to somebody that tries to force their view on other people. Oh and nobody missed the point ,they just weren`t intrested as it wasn`t valid.As for the bulge not being of any benefit I beleive dynosteve has a bulge bonnet on and has vented the back of it and that does show some form of benefit as the turbo`s get hot . oh and by the way do you even have a turbo or xr8? Oh don`t answer that I don`t really care anymore.

Edited by stang
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The only reason Ford didn`t put the bulge on the XR6T is because they new that they could sell it as a spare part and charge$1000+

Do me a favour. Take the bonnet off your XR6 and bolt it to an XR8 or GT of your choice. Now close the bonnet firmly several times and report back on your findings. There just could be another reason why the XR8's bonnet looks a little different.

As for spares prices, I am on your side with that one. Ford just want to piss off XR owners with high spare parts prices for car parts that should of been on our cars in the first place. that's why we get those crappy alloy wheels when they know all XR owners really want 15" steel rims. So we all have to go and buy them from spares! Same problem with LTD badges for your XR6. Mongrels.

Daniel (XR8 with free bulge and two extra cylinders that should come free on sixes too, but they left the turbo off. Must be on your car) :spoton:

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It will look like an XR8 as long as it has a buldge, period.

I have a better idea, slam it, put it on 20's and make it run 11's...

My idea > trying to look like an xr8 (regardless of what else you do).

Look, I'm obviously not going to change what you do, its your chioce with your bonnet, but allot of Ford fans (what do they say, its usually the silent majority? Which I'm usually part of... Just happened to have broken the silence this time) will not like it. I have NEVER seen a 6 with the buldge to this day. Doesn't mean they don't exist, just means I have not yet had the unfortunate opportunity to see one.

I don't care if I spell a few things wrong, its not about that whether I am a mobile dictionary or the worlds best typist, its about being readable. You can't even form a coherant sentence. For a 36yo that says quite a few things.

This is the last thing im going to say on this issue, period, so just improve it and get over it

Back to the topic.

I've stirred the pot enough, and frankly I don't like it.

Edited by Lawsy
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I hate that stock bonnet, it makes the car look like a  taxi lol and I don't want that F@#$@k no :)


If taxi's looked like that I'd get them more often. They do not look taxi-ish at all. I think I looks heaps sleeker with a flat bonnet and doesn't need the bulge to make it try and be something else. I wouldn't put one on if someone gave me a free one. :blush:

Just my opinion, each to their own though.

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It will look like an XR8 as long as it has a buldge, period.

I have a better idea, slam it, put it on 20's and make it run 11's...

My idea > trying to look like an xr8 (regardless of what else you do).

Look, I'm obviously not going to change what you do, its your chioce with your bonnet, but allot of Ford fans (what do they say, its usually the silent majority? Which I'm usually part of... Just happened to have broken the silence this time) will not like it. I have NEVER seen a 6 with the buldge to this day. Doesn't mean they don't exist, just means I have not yet had the unfortunate opportunity to see one.

I don't care if I spell a few things wrong, its not about that whether I am a mobile dictionary or the worlds best typist, its about being readable. You can't even form a coherant sentence. For a 36yo that says quite a few things.

This is the last thing im going to say on this issue, period, so just improve it and get over it

Back to the topic.

I've stirred the pot enough, and frankly I don't like it.

So all this from someone who doesn`t even own an xr8 or xr6t figures.Wheres your problem with my spelling punctuation so re reading there were a few miss types big deal use your noodle tke it as a challenge 36 and I can still ply with the young and old you must be in your 50`s at least. Oh and I ended this on my last post.So you never saw a pic of Boof, Geeas last car it han an xr8 bonnet on it and it was an xr6T and also when you put he letter I in a sentence it should be in a capital not lower case.

But as you said you stirred the pot obviously nothing better to do. For the record I am waiting to see the AWC bonnet for the Xr6T which is meant to be vented but only replied to your post because it was something that a 5 year old would say and you were critsizing other forum members on their punctuation. :blush: .

Edited by stang
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