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Mad Ute


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  • Member For: 21y 11d
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I was in Perth last week for business and was going out to the swan valley for a game of golf when I spotted a drak color ute, XR8 or GT but it had the exhaust pipes coming out in front of the rear drivers side aheel arch and half way up the side, just 2 exhaust holes looked and sounded mad

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I Have been dreaming of doing the side pipes thing to my ute, but I still havent purchased one yet. hopefully this week it will be finalised. but yeah, someone told me its illigal to have side pipes, I dunno know, they look cool. I want em :spoton::beerchug:

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 13d
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You can have pipes coming out the side :spoton:

They have to be 30Cm away from the closest passenger door from memory and not stick out from the side of the vehicle.

I have seen this on a few Au's and I think it would look great on Ba's good luck guy's :spoton:

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  • Benzene
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  • Member For: 20y 3m 16d
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I was going to go for the side pipes, but seing as the exhaust isue is a little sensitive for the xr8's I went with the quads out the rear.

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