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Xr6 Fog Lights


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Guest UNR8D
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the QLD law states that if the lights are of clear light eg not blue,red,orange,yellow and are under the power of 55w then the use of these is legal and not dependant on condtions or hours of the day.

If globes are of yellow/orange colour they may only be used in foggy conditions again not dependint on hours of the day.

If lights are of blue or red they can only be used 'off road' for display purposes.

All lights may NOT under any circumstances cause "DAZZLE" to other drivers and specifications for proper mounting and positioning of lamps according to ADR's are available upon request to queensland transport road traffic authority.

hence all of your vehicles will comply with australian ADR's (australian design rules) in QLD for a fact you are allowed to drive with your driving lights on as they are a 55w globe and are of clear light.

Having my self done a defencive drivers course, it was made clear that the more clearly you can be seen on the roads the less chance you have of being involved in an accident as it is more easily to be identified on the roads with your lighs on rather than your lights off. all of telstra cars and energex vehicles to my understanding are equiped with a lights on feature when the keys go in the ignition, more visibility less chance of getting hit I suppose.

I always drive with my lights on daylight/dusk/night with this my driving lights go on as well they are angled down at the road according to ADR rules and do not exceed 55w out put, I have not once been hassled by cops and or other motorists for doing this.

anyways happy and safe driving for you all. :D

UNR8D member of FF.com :thumbsup:

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Driving lights on is definately illegal in Victoria.

It is around a $100 fine if not used in abnormal conditions (not sure of what they define as abnormal).

It appears 4 in 5 SS Commodores have to have their driving lights on. The switch must call out "push me, push me" as soon as you hop in the car!

Knowing most Late model camira drivers I reckon the buttons cry out "PULL ME, PULL ME!"

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