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Got keyed today


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It must be something about the eastern suburbs Luke. I had my old car keyed from top to tail a couple of years ago at Nth Blackburn S/C , and needed an entire respray of the drivers side. It was so dep you could hang a painting on it. These little farktards have nothing better to do than make your life a missery (sp).

And I agree with the finger breaking comment, though I would take it a step further and break legs so they can't walk to my car. Then again the little sh*ts would probably ram it with their wheelchairs! :spoton:

Goodluck removing the handy work of some cretin.

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Who put you onto that product Glenn? :lol:

I must say, Scratch-X will get a good percentage of a decent scratch out, just be careful as it does cut into the paint. I had a scratch 90 cm long on the White POS 2000 Excel we have and it turned a 90cm scratch into a 9cm scratch.

Sorry to hear about the key indicent, it does suck. I know, having it happen to 2 of my cars. The XC GS Coupe and the ED XR6.

Nobody has keyed GIMLI <Touching wood and typing with one hand>. Although some :msm: took out the rear bumper in a secure car park a while back and the recent run in with some :msm: running a give way sign, crashing into GIMLI. Piece of wood slamming into the front passenger door. Idiots slamming their doors into ours at car parks.

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Hope you some how find the dumb f*ckers one day and get to key their faces.

There were 3 young tools looking at my car on display out side the motor show on Sunday, boot open with bottle in the back (not hooked up) and one dick head said to his mate "dare you to turn the bottle on" I was right next to the F'N brain dead smacky when he said it. We all walked to the rear of the car together. So when the little sh*t reached for the bottle he still had no idear I was the owner. I said "You could turn it on, and I could tear you another ass hole" At that they all walked away (thank God).

I never saw it but when I was at lunch another member of the club had some little Asian Drug f*ck walk up to his car and pour a drink over these fluffy Lion toys the member had placed under the wheels of the GT (the lions did look very funny, but you might have had to be there). Anyway the boys grabed the guy and made him clean it with his $$$ looking jacket.

My question is this, What the f*cks wrong with people today?

If you feel the need to key a car, key your own F'N sh*t heap.

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Who put you onto that product Glenn? :lol:

I must say, Scratch-X will get a good percentage of a decent scratch out, just be careful as it does cut into the paint. I had a scratch 90 cm long on the White POS 2000 Excel we have and it turned a 90cm scratch into a 9cm scratch.

I had a fair bit of success with Scratch X today. It has cleared most of the scratches, bar the deepest. Thankfully, the deeper ones are now quite small and not all that easy to see. I dont think I have taken too much off - there are no dull patches. Maybe with the color they are not that noticeable. On a black car, you couldnt get away with it. :ermm:

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Guys, need suggestions. Some moron keyed my T today, two doors and a little bit of the quarter. I am half resigned to getting it painted but thought I should try to polish it out first. It is not too deep so I am hoping it might be OK but am not sure what product I should try. I used a cutting compound on my last car but it took the clear off, meaning a respray anyway.

Any suggestions????


the bast*rds!


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Most of the time its kids from poor/broken homes gatting back at the world :spoton:

Then they need ten broken fingers to go with their broken home.

Gutless mongrels. I hate gutless people - those who can't speak up when they have a problem with you or what you own.

Edited by Scootre
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