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Hey xarh6turbo, if I may ask what possessed you to get a Xr ...please dont think im having go at you mate, I personaly think you made a great decision but im biased :lol:...im just curious that's all... :spoton:

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but in the states they also have the boss engine doing 8 second passes with no forced induction I couldnt believe it when I was shown the video

Im sure with the shocking vibration and noise that it would be a pleasure to drive :spoton:

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  • potty trained
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that's funny. Should we worry!! We should have been worried a year ago. Expensive Daewoo V8's are kicking everything Ford has to offer now. Thank goodness for the T, I know I don;t have to worry with APS Phase III.

Sorry if I seem harsh in relation to ford but our V8 range doesn't seem to live up to the Dark sides range.

oh so true .... :spoton:

the last decent Ford V8 is in the stanger .... the boss V8 has plenty to offer but is extremely conservative ... and the T, now that is special aussie thing :spoton:

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ok people look at it this way

the new hsv ls2 will eat all the new fords no matter what way you look at it cause it was faster than them before with the ls1

you can go on about the f6 all you want but its going ever going to be a v8 nor beat a ls2

ford just needs to pull there finger out and start putting some power into there engines take some weight out of the cars then it will be interesting

and even if they do bring a gtho out there is going to be a 373kwatt gts out later this year and I dont think the gtho will beat that

The prototype F6 that ran in Targa flogged piss out of an LS1 that was worked substantially more the LS2 is in standard trim and was driven by a one P Brock to boot.

Engine specs of production and prototype are close enough to the same.

According to HSV the LS2 has made 2/10ths difference to the times but that will depend on which version of torque the Australian media gets fed in the press cars. Even if HSV are understating the torque, which is widely believe to be the case, the F6 will be the quickest Ford in the country. HSV have changed their gearing as well. I am tipping it will be closer then you seem to think, and as I have said already the price of the two cars will make them competitiors.

It’s going to be interesting and won't have long to find out anyway. Motor subscribers will probably have an idea today.

And the GTS won't be out this year either. It will be lucky to make it in 2005

Edited by HSE2
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Why is everyone so obsessed with just straight line speed? Wait for the cars to be tested by magazines, wait for them to hit the roads and tracks. Stop speculating, it really looks so pathetic how people are consistantly bagging Expensive Daewoo and HSV all the time. I have always believed that things people bag and make fun of they are truely scared of. So if this being true, you are all abit uncomfortible about HSV getting the LS2 sooner then you all thought. Lay back take it easy guys...

Drag Racing is drag racing... If someone runs slicks on the track then that's what happens, its a drag strip. Who runs what on street tyres is cool and all. However I don't think it would be too smart anyone racing off a set of lights with a car that quick on public roads. More common street racing I have seen is highway runs. Would you still take a TT LS1 from a 80-100km/h roll? Bolt a set of slicks onto your car too and make a pass. Then you can compare with everyone.

Edited by eatV8
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Not me. The LS2 is a good thing and well done to HSV for bring it out for the price they have.

Like you I am not sure how anyone can make any claims on what will be what when neither car is actually on the road yet so on that point I question the logic and wisdom of such statements. gto015 might be proven correct but I am not so.

As I said the first publication is due Wednesday or perhaps today for some lucky subscribers. It should be a very enjoyable read and hopefully interesting for everyone.

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Hey xarh6turbo, if I may ask what possessed you to get a Xr ...please dont think im having go at you mate, I personaly think you made a great decision but im biased :lol:...im just curious that's all... :w00t2:

I thought it would be a good car to hot up from all the things I heard, but at the moment im not all that impressed but things may change

but on the same note I sold the gto cause I was sick of the little problems with that also

looks like im not going to be happy until I have a M3 :hrmm:

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  • Artificially Aspirated
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Hey xarh6turbo, if I may ask what possessed you to get a Xr ...please dont think im having go at you mate, I personaly think you made a great decision but im biased :lol:...im just curious that's all...  :w00t2:

I thought it would be a good car to hot up from all the things I heard, but at the moment im not all that impressed but things may change

but on the same note I sold the gto cause I was sick of the little problems with that also

looks like im not going to be happy until I have a M3 :hrmm:

Read some M3 forums, buy one and you will definatley not be happy with it either :)

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