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Well Im with you on the 303 thingo,up in the NT;shot in to a termite mound 3 meters high x 1 metre wide, from about 20 mtrs away;and do you reckon the slug went through??? No wuckun faw...

But for cars built now 2000 pluss which are sposed to be safe;;; makes you wonder

My old XY and the tree would have a good old fight first,as long as I had the seat belt on.... which was an option back then..... unbelevable,like premo brakes now, a fcuken option......SHOULD be bloody standard!!!!

Wake up ADR and get real with brakes.


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.........He is also a Motor Mechanic and said that the thing was "Howling" before the impact.

So what? My car can howl at 70kmh, as can an XR8.

It means nothing.

Again, more emotional crap. You should get a job writing newspaper headlines if you think that kind or hearsay rubbish is in any way indicative of FACTS.

How do you know he doesnt have a highly modified exhaust, and was doing 60 with it flat chat, making a racket?

Base your decisions on fact, not hearsay, rumour and stereotyping and generalisations.


(No disrespect intended to the poor bloke driving or his family)

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